
How do you feel about Audio Terrorism?

by Guest56610  |  earlier

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The low frequency vibrations from subwoofers are negatively affecting humans and animals. They are dangerous...the government uses sound as a weapon for interrogation.

And the loud glass paks and exhaust pipes are wasting gasoline as well and causing every town in the U.S. to be faced with living inside a NASCAR track. We can get no peace and quiet anywhere.

Anyone concerned about noise pollution and starting a movement to eliminate this? Both things are illegal but the police are outnumbered. We need strong regulations...any ideas anyone?




  1. When I read the first line I thought you mean all the c**p music on the radio today....that's audio terror to me!

  2. Yes, here's an idea.  Stop trying to increase the amount of government by forcing nanny-state laws on people.  We are already overburdened by thousands of laws that are based all on people's likes and dislikes that are turning normally law-abiding citizens into criminals.  If you don't like it, you can move to the country.  Let free people be free.  Just because you dislike something, doesn't mean it's right for everyone else.  I don't smoke, and I don't like being in places that have smoking, but I don't insist that everyone snuff out their cigarettes the moment I walk into a restaurant because it's up to them to smoke, and I don't have to be there.  Same goes for you.  If you don't like it, go somewhere else.

  3. They have noise laws in New Hampshire, they work for the most part, but they tend to target motorcycles more then anything.

    If you want to "fix" this, start a petition, try to pass a law. Sounds rediculious, but really, any average citizen can get a law made, I've seen it done, it just takes a lot of foot work, and supporters.

    Start getting a petition together, if you can get a huge number of people to sign, you can either get something put on your local ballot, or take it to a state rep and have your state rep write a bill for a state law, but that would take far more signatures, in a larger area, not just your town.

  4. Why is it since 9-11 everyone calls anything they don't like "terrorism". Are they trying to change the course of political events by inflicting fear? No? THEN IT'S NOT TERRORISM!!!!!

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