
How do you feel about Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs?

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I'm just wondering what you think about them-- I don't think anyone should be forced to use them, even if we were, it would not put a dent in our energy consumption, no matter how many hypothetical cars it would "take off of the road". They make it sound like a big impact, but it really isn't. And plus, they give off this sickening quality of light that hurts my eyes-- And they contain mercury-- Ooh, yes! How environmentally friendly!




  1. I use them outside or in areas where lights are left on for long periods of time, but they'd be useless for in a fridge or something like that.  

    They contain much less mercury than the coal does that most of the electricity in the country is produced from.   Regular lightbulbs have that chunk of lead at the bottom of them which no one recycles.

  2. cfls are not 5 bucks each don't know where you find that, the typical one for a typical light can be bought for about a $1-2 each, if you check there are often government deals you can use to get them, i know recently in NJ i think they were practically giving them away

    or go to ikea they are really cheap there, and they can also be recycled at ikea,

    or here

    and they do make a difference in your electric bills, and do last much longer, I manage an apartment building and have changed maybe 5-6 cfls over the last 3 years since i have been there, and these run 24-7

  3. I have switched all the bulbs in my house to CFL's.

    Yes, they contain mercury, but it is a MINISCULE amount. The problem comes from people throwing them in the trash rather than recycling them. When you get millions of bulbs in the landfills, THEN you have a mercury problem.

    And yes, I WILL recycle them when they burn out. I have a hardware store in my town that takes them for recycling. I changed them over more than a year ago and have not had one burn out yet. I'll probably dedicate a bucket or something to put the burned out ones and take several in with me.

    My question to YOU is, do you recycle the batteries you use from your cameras, Ipods, toys, etc... etc...? THOSE will cause more heavy metals to leach into the ground than the CFL's. Batteries, especially the rechargeable ones, contain Nickel, Cadmium, Lithium, and others I can't think of right now. ALL these are known carcinogens. So, don't knock the CFL's until you start doing something to help the situation.

    Yes, Global Warming may or may not be a farce, but the polluting of our planet is not, and until we ALL do our part to stop poisoning her, we are signing our own death warrant.

  4. its not like plastic bags and eating meat is enviornmentally friendly but we still use and eat it

    more energy to make cow into a steak so people can survive.

    more energy to make a compact light buld with mercury, so people can purposely break them and get poisoned

    wait, what about fish' they have mercury, people still eat them isnt that just like a light bulb

    lets eat light bulbs

  5. I don't like the fact that they contain mercury.  When they get thrown away, they end up in a landfill, where they will get broken eventually.  I would rather have LED lights.  Nothing bad in them.  I'm just going to wait until the price comes down.

  6. they save a lot of money --- most of my bulbs are energy savers even the flood light --

  7. I feel...pain....fear....treachery....

  8. regular bulbs sell for 45 cents each, cfl's are around $5 each so they would have to use 1/2 the energy & last 6 times longer to pay for themselves.  but you had better get used to them if you live in the U.S. a law passed early this year will make it illegal to sell regular incandescent bulbs to the public 4 years from now in 2012.

    just another example of big business getting laws passed so you have to buy their more expensive products whether you want to or not.

    thats what the green movement is all about. its the color of money.

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