
How do you feel about Doctor James Hansen saying those who deny man made global warming should be tried?

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How do you feel about Doctor James Hansen saying those who deny man made global warming should be tried?




  1. I feel that you shouldn't misrepresent what people have said.

    "James Hansen, one of the world’s leading climate scientists, will today call for the chief executives of large fossil fuel companies to be put on trial for high crimes against humanity and nature, accusing them of actively spreading doubt about global warming in the same way that tobacco companies blurred the links between smoking and cancer."

    Calling for the CEOs of fossil fuel companies to be put on trial for spreading misinformation about global warming is not the same thing as "saying those who deny man made global warming should be tried".

    As for how I feel about what Hansen *actually* said, I don't have a problem with it.  If the big oil CEOs purposefully spread misinformation which put our entire society in danger, I think it's reasonable that they be tried in court for it.  The tobacco analogy is appropriate.

  2. Does this not sound familiar to something called, oh I don't............communism? If they don't agree with you, put them in jail or better yet......kill them.  

  3. It is pretty despicable.  It really reveals who he is and where the global warming alarmism stems from.  

  4. CEOs or no CEOs--- the guy is a radical scientist --- WITH an agenda. NASA should fire his behind for stating that publicly.

  5. I think he meant they should be "tired" not "tried."  There was a typo in his speech.

  6. = witch hunt

  7. If they , the CEO's of oil companies are actually proven to have hidden actual knowledge of damage caused to the environment, I would say... try them. At least we will get to the bottom of the issue. Like we did with cigarettes.

  8. I think so long he didn't say it after an exhausting round of carnal knowledge, hence impaired intellectually, he stands a chance at not being labeled a sadistic non-beast..  Better him say it than Elmo..

  9. There's an important difference between simply having an opinion and deliberately spreading misinformation for profit.  He's not talking about ordinary ignorant Luddites; he's talking about the oil companies' propaganda campaigns.  Of course I'm sure some of the people posting here are part of the latter, so I can see why you take it personally.  I hope they're paying you well, because there isn't enough money in the world to make me lie to help Big Oil.

  10. To be tried of what? Disagreeing about global warming? And Hansen advocates a trial under such circumstances? I call it forced political-correctness.

  11. He should be put on trial for spreading a campaign of fear that has nations spending billions of dollars to "avoid catastrophe".  Each nation should sue him for every penny they spent on "global warming".  This has been an agenda for Hansen and Gore since the mid 80's.

    I agree, NASA should fire Hansen for this statement.  

    If the CEO of oil companies should be tried for selling oil, these "green" groups should be tried for all of their eco-terrorism.  Put all of the "greenies" in Guantanamo Bay.

  12. Who is Dr.James Hansen? Anyway..everyone is entitled to an opinion. Also tried in what? A Court?

    Global warming has happened in the past as research proves it's just that now Mankind is helping to contribute to it. Mankind cannot stop nature from taking it's course but we can help delay it a bit.

  13. Dr. Hansen should be fired. Not because of his ideas, but the way he bashes his bosses. If you want to understand how someone in his position should act, then read some of Roy Spencers' articles. Roy used to work for NASA under the Clinton admin. He did not believe the info coming out of the White House, but he kept his mouth shut since he worked for the White House. He only started speaking up when he quit (because he disagreed with their position), and went to work for a University.

    His website is here. This is a truelly honorable scientist, unlike the hack Hansen.

  14. Other than being head of GISS, he's also Al Gore's science advisor.  And so many holes are poked in everything 'scientific' that Al has ever come up with that no credible person believe him any more.

    Enough said.  

  15. Well considering he is most likely the person who altered the wold weather records starting in the early 80s that were used to initiate the global warming fraud maybe he and his associates should be the ones placed on trial.

  16. Well I don't know who he his but if he actually suggested trying those who deny AGW then his is Certified Flaming Moron and should be placed in the public square for everyone to laugh at. Then have him castrated so he cannot contaminate the gene pool any further.

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