
How do you feel about g*y Marriage being legal in Cali?

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Now that they are legalizing g*y marriage in California..What is your reaction..I have found a large amount of people being for g*y marriage..but I am not for it..and I respect other people's opinions greatly...but I want to know all of your opinions about this..whether you are for or against it




  1. I'm for it. Live and let live. g**s have just as much right tohave their commitment and relationships acknowledged and respected by society. There are families that have felt entitled to ignore and push partners aside because society has told those people that they don't fall in the category of accepted behavior. Don't forget mixed marriages were once treated the same way. Ask yourself(there is always a mixed marriage in every family, color, religion, ethnicity) if you would like your family to be treated the same way. g**s don't harm a soul and they want to live next door and have the same things heteros do. I say yes!!!

  2. Why should we be the only ones that suffer? Let them get a taste of what true suffering is by letting them get married.

    I never believed in h**l until I got married and then I knew it existed. :-)

    For the people that find offensive due to religious reasons, I am a strong believer in God but what they are doing isn't going to harm you in any way. They may call it a marriage and it may be legal but it isn't a religious marriage and isn't a real one in God's eyes as far as I can tell. Let them have their "marriage" if it makes them happy.

    BTW: My brother is g*y and I would most definitely be his best man if he chose to get married. I know God will accept him since he was born this way. And YES, he was born that way. I knew he was g*y by the time he was 5. I knew it before he knew it. They have even found out that there is a likelihood of being born that way based on how much testosterone the mother has in her system. The more boys she has the more the chance the younger ones will become g*y. It's natures way of stopping an overpopulation of one gene pool.

  3. I am not as concerned with that as I am with the judges who have turned activists and overturned and otherwise subverted the will of the people of California. They are more dangerous than any homosexual.

  4. Two down, forty-eight to go. I'm a Massachusetts resident and since g*y marriage was legalized the sky hasn't fallen, the sun still rises and the earth hasn't opened up and swallowed all the sinners. It was a big deal with people at first, but now, nobody seems to care - there are much more important things in the world to worry about. I say congratulations and good luck to them. Maybe the rest of the country will eventually grow up too.

  5. Against it,God created adam and eve,not adam and steve and not eve and genevieve.God hasnt changed His mind on SIN!

  6. Please read:

  7. I actually don't care much what other people do unless it affects others. So go ahead and be g*y just not g*y on me. The only time I got nervous about the whole g*y thing in Cali was when some of my friends were talking about how they're gonna teach "being g*y is okay" in public schools...

  8. I'm appalled and disgusted. God has basically been ousted from His own country. The Puritans came over from England to worship Him, and now, He's being denied the worship He deserves.

    I am against g*y marriage 100%. I don't care if two people "claim  they're in love." Most of the time, love is lust.

  9. What's really disturbing about this is that California held a vote so the people could decide whether or not they wanted marriage to be legal.  The vast majority of the people voted against g*y marriage.  And now, activist judges completely disregarded the will of the people.  I guess, the judges think they belong in the legislative branch of the government.

  10. !!!

  11. It will help to reduce world population, perhaps it's the natural thinking, particularly those have read physics professor Albert A. Bartlett's speech understood the problem, and this way will please the g*y and made them human.

    Else you can read this page @

    Then perhaps you won't let others to think for you.

  12. hmmm...i feel happy for those who are finally able to get married. i'm married myself and i'm happy to be able to do so. of course i'm not g*y but i imagine they're happy to be able to marry. but in all seriousness, it really doesn't concern me.

  13. I know that people are saying this ruling is going against the will of the people but it should be pointed out not all rulings are popular. If you go back some 40 years, you will find that most people then still supported segregation even thought it was outlawed in the 1950s. I'll bet that even now, you will find that most people do not support interracial marriage and a large number of them would support a law against it if they knew they could get away with it.

  14. It is about DAMNN TIME!!!! To all those who call this a "liberal cause" you are nutss!!! I do not think there is anything lib or conserv. about equality.

  15. Um it's turning our country into a liberal socialist government. Freakin' libs.

  16. woooooooooooooooooooo go g*y marrige!!!!!!!

  17. I am yet to hear a single valid reason why g*y marriage shouldn't be legal.

    The Bible says it's wrong?  The last time I checked, our constitution banned laws respecting the establishment of a religion, so "The Bible says it's wrong" isn't a valid reason.

    Tradition?  The same argument was used to justify slavery, Jim Crow laws, and numerous other atrocities.  Sorry, tradition doesn't cut it, either.

    Same-s*x marriages can't result in children so it shouldn't be allowed?  Did you know that five states have laws saying that the only time a particular type of marriage is *legal* is when the couple *can't* have kids?  No joke: Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Utah, and Wisconsin ban marriage between cousins, but then make an exception if the couples can not bear children.  Clearly, the inability to bear children is not being consistently applied as a reason to disallow a marriage.

    It somehow weakens the sanctity of marriage?  Come on.  Even if one accepts the notion that homosexual marriage somehow weakens the sanctity of marriage (and no one has ever provided a reasonable explanation of how it does), one still has to ask: Between a divorce rate in excess of 40%, marriages for money, and shows like "Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionare", how much "sanctity" does marriage have left?

    Have I missed anything?  That's every argument against g*y marriage I remember ever hearing, and every last one of them is spectacularly lacking.  We live in a free country, so it seems to me that if there's no good reason for it to be illegal, then it shouldn't be illegal.  And there doesn't appear to be any good reason for it to be illegal.

  18. you know I am neutral on it it doesn;t bother me either way . Why should it . either way I will go on with my life just as it is . who cares .

  19. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

    Prohibiting g*y Marriage is against the First Amendment since there is technically nothing unlawful about g*y Marriage and incorporating Religion into State is against our constitution

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