
How do you feel about Malaysia's performance at the Olympics so far?

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For instance, Lee Chong Wei just won a Silver medal at the Badminton Men's Singles. Are you proud that he's bringing home a medal from the Olympics? Which other sports do you think Malaysia can perform as well in?

We want to hear from you. Share with us your knowledge, experiences and views on current events and happenings. The questions posted will be open for 3 days, after which the community will vote for the best answer. Let Malaysia hear you!




  1. No doubt we should be proud Lee Chong Wei brought back the only olympic medal to malaysia but his personal performance is very disappointing. Lee had previously face Lin Da 14 times! Obviously this experience provided Lin Da the knowledge to anticipate and prepare for Lee C W moves and attack. On the other hand Lee CW and the coaches involved failed to utilize the past experiences to form a strategy to face Lin Da.

    Lee should also realize from the start that Lin Da had anticipated all his moves and should have been quick enough change his tactics. Obviously the coaches also failed to realize this.

  2. Lee Chong Wei!!! congratulations!!!! so proud of you!!! when it comes to other games archery......maybe or cycling. more medals from malaysian athletes will be a bonus. malaysia is a country that has first class facility but seems to be left to rot. and great talents thats been left to their own kampung because dont have the idea where to go to and its like ok got tournaments lets train for 2 months then play and after the tournament  ok bye no more wait till the next game/ competition!!! how to excel like that laaah!!!training and preparation is all year round lah. finding talents is all year round as well. why only find fame and recognition if its about the youths!!!champions in school?? never heard !?!!?!?thats why the youths now a days choose to play xbox or ps2 instead of sports!!!

  3. As a Malaysian, I feel disappointed because we still cannot win a gold medal in Olympics. But to get a gold medal is not Chong Wei's responsibility. He tried very hard. We keep on giving him too much pressure. After semifinal, the reporter interviewed his family, then start talking about how much he will get if he win the gold medal. Why not we just announce that our target was achieved? We have already one silver medal, that's better than asking Choong Wei, can you bring back a gold medal for us? you are our only hope. Choong Wei is a good player. But his performance in the final game is really show that he is under pressure.

    Anyway, I proud of him.

  4. Off course I'm proud. As a Malaysian we all ought to be proud. But like other people say, losing a gold medal is like losing a 1 in a life time chance ( for my opinion ). Others may have different thoughts.

    Any medals is good enough but Lee Chong Wei chance of getting a gold is just a matter win or loss. We put ourselves in Lee's shoes. Why Lin Dan wins because people called him the Super Dan. No doubt about it when you have watched the tournament. For me, Lin Dan is just so strong and fast for Lee C W. No wander he got his title as the Super Dan ( superman of China ).

    In other sport Malaysia can depend on Archary and Hockey.

    We just hope Lee C W will be getting married in 4 or 5 years time so that he can concentrate on his GOLD that he misses in China. Malaysian off course wants to see Lee C W to get married in 2 years time. Even if he got married, he must hope that somebody will win a GOLD for Malaysia in 4 years time. Even if it is not Lee C W, somebody that we hope can be called the Superman of Malaysia.

  5. Although silver is as good as gold,the problem is Lee Chong Wei's attitude b4 even competing in this Finals.Just like a kindergarten child competing with a graduate the entire finals.Such a big difference between No 1 & No 2? Even if lose at a rubber set or lose only a few points -it's ok! But total marks Lee got for 2 games is less than half of the winner's points.Just illogical & very hard to accept

  6. Bringing in the first Silver medal for Malaysia is definitely a great Job for lee Chong Wei. Just that he was a bit unfortunate… playing in opponent’s home country. In a game what matters are strategies, techniques, and stamina but not to forget the psychology war in the sports. Well, the way to overcome this is we need to have a set of training that can train the athletes to overcome the physiology war during the match… If Malaysia Sport wants better tomorrow to shine in sport, something need to be done fundamentally  I still believe Malaysian still able to make it…  

  7. One Word "Amazing". You are simply the best. To many of friends who share the same view as mine. You are the Malaysian icon and beacon to many young Malaysian athletes.

    With the Silver Medal, you will inspire many others to follow your footsteps and achieve the greater height in many years to come.

    For that, I will like say "THANKS and CONGRATULATION" to a friend.  

  8. Firstly, I must congratulate Lee Chong Wei for winning the silver medal. To me he is the Malaysian Hero and Malaysian of the Year 2008.

    The others are not good enough to get any medal. The only way to improve is training, training, training and training.

    I am very disappointed with the Malaysian performance at the Olympic except for Lee.

  9. I would be lying if I were to say that I wasn't dissapointed. Of course I am, and I'm sure the rest of us Malaysians felt the same way too, but despite all that, I am also extremely proud that Chong Wei has brought Malaysia to the finals. So bringing home a silver medal for his country is definitely a very proud moment for all of us. I am sure he has done his very best for Malaysia...seeing him kissing the malaysian flag during the semi finals alone left me in tears...meaning to say - how happy and how proud he was to have carried all those hopes for his country to the was so obvious that it wasn't just for was for Malaysia! So regardless of what medal he brought home...he is a champion in our hearts. Maybe now, he should be trained to tackle players like Lin Dan...nothing is impossible!

    As for the rest of our contingent, I really have nothing to comment. Correct me if I'm wrong...but maybe we're not doing the right thing...maybe we're not training them the right way...maybe they're not focused enough or dedicated enough to what they're doing? I don't know...but one thing for sure...I am certain that there are extremely good sportsman and sportswoman in our what is wrong? Could it be that they're being too pampered? I don't know....I definitely have no rights to say anything...but I wish and hope that one day, we'll be able to have a stronger team of athletes that will make us proud to be Malaysians. Yaaayyy!!!

  10. We all can see Lee C W play the game with little support due to too few M'sian around, advantage to Li Dan home support, Li Dan even shown hand sign to his supporters to slow down, look at Misbun, he wanted to help, Lee want to try many ways how to beat Li, to me it is not a gold medal that matter, it is how this two man try to do M'sia proud, to me they had tried the very best to have a good name for M'sia, if compare to M'sian politicians, they are realy working towards a better Malaysia, but our politician is working to distroy malaysia.

  11. I stopped watching badminton tournament since Rudy Hartono's era, till last Sunday when you were playing w/ LD. It was quite shocking tthat the standard of world #1 and #2 player were so far apart!

    As an athlete myself some centuries ago, i noted the following factors handicapped your performance;

    1) lack of energy and stamina...perhaps insufficient rest from  

       the semifinal game w/ the korean

    2) disturbed mental stress and lost of confident when you realised LD anticipated ALL your the way LD's backhand looks clumsy. You may want to target that weakness of his in your future game w/ him.

    3) the chinese supporters' loud and distracting noise tense you up...but Misbun was very professional & steady...he supported you ALL the way without any judgement!

    Anyway, you definitely made Malaysia proud. Tumbs up to you! I reakon you need to train harder by at least 10Xs (physically) and 20Xs (psychologically) from your current. You came this far, i hope you'll continue to train for the next world championship and beat LD then. Good Luck to you.


  12. How wanderful Lee  C W and Misbun have shown to the world this two M'sian of different race can do together, I enjoy very much not only their games lost or win, of cause this is a Olympics silver, I am proud of them and other M'sian rep. I realy enjoy seeing how two M'sian work together can acheive such high lever of success, I wish all M'sian politicians of different parties can work like Lee and Misbun and make M'sia a successful nation and not breaking Malaysian apart using race, religion and education, how we are going to be strong if we are not working together like Lee and Misbun, i do hope all M'sian politicians re watch the semi final and final to undrstand their duty.

  13. Lee Chong Wei should have played aggressive game especially when he got the chance for smashing. He got a very good chance for smashing at first service by Lin  Dan which he lifted  but it was instead smashed by Lin Dan for first point. By doing so, Lin Dan started aggressive and never gave way plus his home ground fans & supports but Lee Chong Wei remained calm. This has caused Lee what the Malay proverbs called KALAH BULU.

  14. I think that LCW did very well. Even though he did lost against Lin Dan, I heard that Lin Dan and improved a lot. But what I loved the most is the fact that Lee Chong Wei and Misbun Sidek work together as a team. That REALLY shows that our country boleh :). I hope LCW won't give up and I hope that he knows that Malaysia will always support him :)  I also hope that he's gonna compete in Olympics London 2012, then I can support him there. I wish him all the best and I hope that he'll beat Lin Dan one day.

  15. Malaysian athletes have always been known as "jaguh kampung"  .

    No doubts there.

    Lee won not just a silver medal but the first ever Olympic Silver medal ever won by  Malaysia. Credits to him on this one. ( In 1992 & 1996 the Sidek brothers only managed a bronze ).

    Better still , Lee is a minority  , a Malaysian Chinese.

    While the "ketuanan melayu" won nothing at all.

    Sports is a very politicized subject in Malaysia.

    Lee just did the impossible.

    Our sports development have been lackluster with lame programs and responses from the government. And it is too bad the game of  squash

    is not included. As Nicol Ann David is a very consistent player and would be able to contribute medals.

    One of the markings of a progressive nation is to be good in sports.

    Actually i felt it rather amusing to witness China's Lin Dan vs. another Chinese from Malaysia.

  16. Malaysia  have the skills and talents, but still have a lot to learn to overcome mental problem when facing overwhelming pressure. I could see Chong Wei's hand shivering during the final match with Lin Dan. How can he perform at his best in this situation?

    We also have the mentality that 'I am satisfied that at least I'm in the quarter finals', 'I am happy that at least I didn't go home empty handed'. We are not there yet still we called ourselves 'Boleh'. And then we celebrate and stopped advancing further. That's why we couldn't regain our Thomas Cup title, and we didn't get any medals for the past two Olympics. So will this year's Silver medal encourage us to move forward? Or we will just celebrate and forget it again?

    We did perform well in bowling and squash. Too bad its not included in the Olympics...

  17. I think Lee Chong Wei can be the winner of single man badminton. But, the silver medal gold would also be priceless. At least, malaysia's continjen can contribute something to the country. Whatever it is congratulation to him instead of obtained the reward of RM300.000.

  18. Commented on Lee's performance;

    He's working hard to qualified for the Olympics-4 years once but he gave up so easily after marching into final round with a comfort reward in hand. No sportsmanship shown, fighting spirit none..He's just nervous and afraid of Lin Dan, repeat and repeat over the mistake, why??? Frankly, I dun see any excitement in the match between Lee's and Lin Dan and I believed the supporters too were so dissapointed with the show, finishing in just 39 minutes in the final round???  Whereas other players be it Korean, Indonesian, Danish or Chinese, they're so determine and play all out to win the battle. Korean and Indonesian are among Chinese rivals also won gold medal for their country but not for MALAYSIAN! And it happen everytime! I taught we are in good preparation for the games with physically and mentally strong???    

  19. Lee Chong Wei did great. Despite losing to Lin Dan, he did great and he made Malaysia proud. He is indeed the pride of Malaysia.

    For those who criticises him, it is just unfair and unreasonable. Any athletes who won a medal at the Olympic is the pride of the country. Just imagine if you won a silver medal and you got all those S****y criticism. Just think about it.

    Well done, Chong Wei!

  20. Lee Chong Wei is not good enough when benchmarking with Lin Dan, definitely he lost his brain during the Final.

    He is behalf like that numberous times in major events. He need a breakthrough if he does not want to leave badminton without any major title.

    He is play like a school boy in the final, what's went wrong with his head? Malaysian need a breakthrough in their thinking if we want to claim the first gold in Olympic!!

    Misbun did a good job by bringing him at this level. Syabas Misbun, please look for other player to fullfill malaysian's dream as Chong Wei will be like Wong Choon Han in 2 years time.

  21. I feel its an absolute shame that we are celebrating a losing effort. He never even looked right at the start of the match. Much like a dog going into battle with his tail between his legs.

    No doubt, winning silver is an achievement by itself, but we really should be aiming higher. While LCW lost heavily on in the finals, its apparent that Malaysia needs to be doing something more to improve the psych of its players in major world events.

    The class between LD and LCW was a chasm that will never be approximated if this psychological aspect is not given its due attention.

    Man for man we may have won if all things being equal.

    But we lost the mind game.

    Congratulations all the same. But really, coming in second with a performance like that is not something we should be proud of.

    We should stop breeding the also ran mentality and start cultivating the winners attitude. Only then can Malaysia keep up with the best.

  22. Actually i've nothing to say...but,its little sad when saw malaysia only put a hope to Lee..It was burden to him, being the only hope to get a gold medal, where all 26 million people's on his shoulder.Where the others athlete? A national bicycle team, looks a good way to get a gold but failed. It seem our athlete still not ready in this Olympic level. Still too far away..

  23. Lee Chong did great and its excellent that he won a medal. It's important for nations to have at least someone who does well in the olympics whether it be gold, silver, bronze or just a personal best.

    I havent studied other Malaysians, but hope they can secure another medal.

  24. It's true that he has done Malaysia proud by getting into the final.

    But I find it weird why he would put on the gold necklace, a few rings and wearing a watch. He should know that being a sportsman, jewellery and accessory during the game are not necessary. It would all be a litlle burden.

    Lee is not mentally prepared. The net play was bad, shuttle always went wide or long, too many unforced errors.

    Anyway, Lin Dan with the home advantage is really strong.

    Good job to Lee to get into final. But he should have done a lot better than what he did in the final.

  25. i think chong wei did his best...his determination and dedication towards both the game n d country was paid off as he grabbed the silver medal...i did follow up every match he performed and i was immensely amazed... i did see d pressure in him when he was performing but yet he gave his best.... i wz so proud when malaysia`s flag was raised for d 1st time in this 12 years gap..... chong wei prooved that every single malaysian should have the patriotisme burning in them regardsless of wat race or religion they are...... thumbs up to chong wei the malaysian hero.... we love you a lot....

  26. I am proud that chong wei entered the final under the guidance of  coach Misbun whom i know during our playing days.Chong could had shown a better performance and he was not at his best during the finals but i think he was under pressure to deliver the gold medal but Lin Dan has to be given the credit as he was superb during the finals .Ido not see a medal comming from any other sports for the timebeing and i hope that squash will be included in the next games for Malaysia to look for medal prospect.

    Anyway chong wei had brought the only medal back for Malaysia and i congratualate him and all others  who were respobsible for this to happen.   Malaysia Bolih

  27. Superb. It was indeed a good performance despite going down to Li Dan.  We cannot ask for more. He had performed beyond expectation. Bringing home a medal from the Olympics was the Malaysian objective. Whether it is a Gold, Silver or Bronze. Congratulations to Super Lee Chong Wei. The other sports which could have performed well was archery. The Malaysian archery team had proved of their world standard. They lost because they jittered as that was their first Olympics. Archery could have brought back home at least a Bronze.

  28. I saw the match. but, I did not feel frustrated at all when he lost to lin dan. i understand how he feel, and i know he feels million of times more nervous than i do. chong wei, u did not have to apologize to us. u did great man!! ;o) we r so proud that u can perform in final. juz take this match as a lesson and move forward!! i want to see u taking the world championship title next year!! msia boleh!! chong wei boleh!! ;o)

    p/s- for those who critic chong wei, try to beat him first before u criticize him

  29. Malaysia has never won gold, only silver. this will be malaysia's second silver medal, and both won by malaysian chinese. i hope with the contribution of malaysian chinese, they will concede with the opening up of racist univercity to poor malaysian chinese and indians. if war was to break out with any country, god forbid, malaysian chinese and indians will be there fighting alongside our malays to defend this nation.

    i know i would.

  30. Yes , Lee Chong Wei, you have made it!!!!!!!I am also a badminton player and i ahve played many state and a few national badminton tournaments.I have the experience of the real situation when in the final, especially when the crowd is on the side of opposition.

    Maybe for those who only watch Chong Wei in action in Olympics may say that he played a bad badminton in the finals and he has lost his brain!But, as one of the fan of Chong Wei i have been following his progress in badminton since he was in the backup squad itself.Although there are physchologists to train and prepare the mental of Chong Wei, it is not possible for Chong Wei not to be nervous because it is an Olympic final and yes, he is shouldering the hope of 26 million Malaysian and moreover there is no other Malaysian in action in badminton in the later stages.Come on,, as human beings we should understand the pressure and its not Chong Wei wants to lose simply.Therefore i feel that Chong Wei does not deserve any critics and he is our hero as he saved Malaysia from becoming ashamed of not getting a single medal.Chong Wei ,although you managed to get only silver, but this is a success where every sweat of yours makes up this whole success.Credit to Lin Dan for exhibiting a good badminton.

  31. I think Lee C W is great, not only bring back a medal but he show to the world how wanderful Malaysian can be, no matter how others said about our country races, he show the world how respectful to his coach or master, he broke the barrel of many M'sian politician can't break, he show the world he is truly a Malaysian by give thank to someone who coach him, I love too how Misbun react to his action, how I wish we have politicians like Lee C W and Misbun, may be they should become our MP next election.

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