
How do you feel about McCain and Obama's views on gun control?

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In all honesty, I do not understand a fair deal of why John McCain is so lenient when it comes to gun control. Obama made a remark once and stated,

"You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them,... And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Now, as a local Pennsylvanian, I know that this is more than true. In fact, I am happy with Obama's views on gun control - because it is far too easy for someone, here at least, to get their hands on a gun. We have around here what is known as community sales, once a week. Here, anyone from doctors to Amish come selling their old things. Every week, there are multiple stands where a child can easily go up and touch shotguns and other large, rather dangerous guns.

Trigger locks, something so simple - but how easily could a man grab one of these guns, and throw a few bullets in then just as easily release it into the crowd? Not too difficult at all. As well as a child, someone may have forgotten to check to see if the gun was loaded - and there, an accident that could have been avoided.

So what are your views? Do you think there should be more regulations and restrictions when it comes to owning and selling guns?




  1. its hard for me to answer this question when i live in a state like california.. where i have never experienced anything but harsh gun laws..

  2. The problem isn't the legal's the criminal element..and the more restrictions that are placed just leave us legal owners at their mercy...the people are 1st responders..not the police.

  3. i also come from pa.and you have to have a ffl or be able to be approved to own one.i think it's funny that you would think a amish man would cut loose on a crowd.we have enough regulation,enforce what is on the books.and i have never at any public sales seen a gun loaded or without the chamber or breech opened.i live in central pa.gun heaven,and never saw what you claim.if that is the case,you can call the appropriate people.

  4. Obama has insulted rural Americans on several occasions.

    If he's insulting us for clinging to our rights, that's just scary. I feel that he has no regard for the Constitution.

    Guns are nothing to fear. People are scared of them because they are ignorant about them. Just how people are scared of pit bulls and never met one in their life.

    Education is key. How many accidental shootings do you hear about that the kid was taught how to respect guns? Virtually none. The vast majority are kids that are in awe of a gun they find because they have never been taught about them.

    Both adults and children should learn gun safety rules:

    1.  All guns are always loaded.

    2. Never point the gun at anything you are not willing to destroy.

    3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target (and you have made the decision to shoot).

    4. Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.

    I personally do not want more gun control. I think this quote is right-on: "Gun control isn't about guns, it's about control."

    Obama, while he claims he supports the 2nd amendment, doesn't!

    I also find it incredibly ironic he's talking about preserving jobs in rural America, yet wants things like no gun shops within 5 miles of a school or park. Many rural towns aren't even 5 miles long! He'd be taking away what few businesses we still have.


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