
How do you feel about Obama and Biden being a team?

by  |  earlier

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i think it will work....just if biden does not take advantage of Obama.

Do you think biden will be a good VP?




  1. holy Lord bring back HILLARY

  2. i don't like biden or obama but biden is much smarter than obama in every out obama

  3. I thought that Biden wanted to do shuttle diplomacy around the world and was hoping to be named Secretary of State - - for Vice President I thought Obama might pick a worthy outsider like Michael Bloomberg (mayor of NY City).

  4. Cool, good team, we shall beat McCain hand down

  5. i think biden is the best... got competition for mccain stupid supporters

  6. I think somebody got their wires crossed.

    Shouldn't Biden be the pres. candidate and Obie be the VP pick?

  7. I am ok with it. Not exited about it, but then again, I don't know that much about Biden.  

  8. I've always been a Biden fan and never really cared about Obama...Go Biden

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