
How do you feel about PETA's new ad comparing Tim McLean's murder to killing animals for food?

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I take no issue with PETA's message about the ethical treatment of animals. I'm all for animal rights. However, I completely disagree with their methods.

They lack compassion and sensitivity for the people involved directly in this tragedy. They are putting a spin on the murder of an innocent young victim to further their own agenda. It is disrespectful. It crosses a line.

I have emailed them and think that anyone else who is outraged should too.

You can also join the Facebook group: "PETA Should Be Ashamed of Themselves For Mocking The Tim Maclean Horror!"

Anyways, my opinion is clear. What is your opinion?




  1. I agree with you that the approach is in extremely bad taste.   It is totally insensitive towards Tim Maclean's family.

    However, I unfortunately would have to say that it gives the public food for thought.  I have always felt sorry for those pigs who go to slaughter.  Someone once told me that pigs are very intelligent animals, and are, in their natural state very clean.  I heard that they know they are about to be slaughtered.  They also can see the pigs ahead of them being put to death.

    The activists needed to choose a better time, place and occasion to make their statement.  Furthermore, they should have been comparing the slaughter and beheading of animals to human beheadings in general.

  2. between the holocaust ad and their attempt with this tragedy i will punch any peta person,man or woman, in the face if they show up in my town spewing this c**p like their making some cleaver point, i hate extremists and i think when they cross the line they should pay a price for it, they wanted shock and attention.....they got it, but do they really want it?

  3. What about the massacre of rabbits, ground nesting birds, mice (and many more) at each harvest and gathering in the areas where wider ranges of vegetables and special crops are mass produced for the growing vegetarian population? What about the huge radius around and outside these areas in which habitats are destroyed because of modern crop farming etc?

    I could compare that to the holocaust.

    But I don't, commonly and as a rule - for it's insensitive.

    Shame on Peta. I really disagree with this.

  4. The people running PETA have totally lost their minds. I hope the Maclean family sues the pants of their organization.

  5. cuz they dont give a f***  just wanna make money   hope they get thier mf *** sued big time

  6. They are scum - they bring animal rights into disrepute and no-one with an ounce of sense should associate with them. There refusal to acknowledge that they have made an error of judgement in the matter(if you check there site) only compounds what a blight they are. I dearly hope this leads to a bunch of permanent advertising bans in publications.

    Henceforth I have resolved to eat 3 animals for every one I would have in the past, one to sponsor a PETA vegetarian and one as punishment. (Thanks  for the great idea Maddox)

    As for there reasoning that the animals know they are about to be executed - how  would anyone know? have they spoken to many pigs recently? if they have and gotten an answer maybe they should be locked up in a bouncy room for there own safety

  7. Ok. So I'm all for animal rights too, but this does go a little too far. It seems wrong that they would use a human tragedy to tell people how cows or pigs feel! Imagine how Tim McLean's family must feel...That's why I'm not a PETA fan.  

  8. I feel it was on par with their lovely "Holocaust on a Plate" campaign.

    They are morally bankrupt.

  9. I agree with you. I also think their methods are not the best. I agree with the cause but not the approach.

  10. I think the ads are supposed to be controversial. I think that's how PETA functions. A lot of their other ads I feel have been in bad taste as well.

    I've been a vegetarian for over two years, and support the cause, but it's just like rubbing salt in the wound now.

  11. As usual, the militant hypocrites at PETA have gone too far.  

  12. P.E.T.A. has no right using the word "Ethical" in there name, P.E.T.A. must be destroyed and a new organization formed to take it's place, one where animal life isn't more important than human life.

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