
How do you feel about a healthcare system set up like Canada's?

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I hoped Obama with his poor man back ground would have the guts to initiate this. We are the only country without it. If I would get cancer at this moment , I would lose my house. If I got it in Canada, I would not. This doesn't make sense. What is it gonna take to get these politicians and healthcare providers out of each others pockets?




  1. I know many people who have told me it is c**p.  My GF's cousin waited about four or five months for a life-threatening procedure.  That is insane.  I've never had that problem here.  There problem is that lazy people that don't work want to still have healthcare, it doesn't work that way.

    Universal healthcare lowers everyone to the LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR - please tell me how that is good for the greatest number.  You can't help everyone all the time - some -people will go broke  because of an illness, some will die, and some will not be able to afford healthcare - that is life folks.  I'm not willing to have crappier care so everyone else can have crappy care.

    You don't have a RIGHT to health care, you need to earn it.  Another thing to remember is that if you have a universal system run by the government (which by the way can't run the post office) then you will remove incentive for bright people to go through almost 12 years of schooling to become medical doctors.  They need to be paid well to have good doctors, and therefore healthcare will always be expensive.

  2. you mean the system whose hospitals failed standards tests miserably?

    the system that has so few drs that now there is going to be or is a program for people with 18 months training to treat patients?

    the system that canadian people abandon and fill every american dr's waiting rooms within driving distance of the canadian/us border?

    that one?.

  3. I can't speak for Canada's system but the UK system is a million miles better than the c**p US one.

  4. Sooner or later we will have a similar program, what we now have is broken and it is just a matter of time before it is changed.

  5. What part of do not fool around with my health care do you not understand.

    I had a massive heart attack on 20 May 2005 and had I not been where the Best Heart Surgeons and Cardiologists in the world are I would have died on the OR table.

    So take your half baked messiah and stay the 7734 away from my health care system.

  6. It is a good program but the problem with it is the wait for medical care. Sometimes it takes months to see a doctor and surgeries. The basic disadvantage with this program is this it is form of socialized medication. I have heard these promises for a new type of medical care before the elections however after the elections there is nothing. These promises are all politics right now. Take this with a grain of salt.

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