
How do you feel about a nation wide vote on legalization of Marijuana?

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Is that not the only way to truely judge if it should be legal in our country? Also pass this question on to everyone on YA. I would like to get a answer from everyone.




  1. It is stupid. Smoke it if you got it, but we should also lace it with pure cocaine so we can get rid of those who smoke that garbage.

  2. "How do you feel about a nation wide vote on legalization of Marijuana?" - That it would be a colossal waste of time and money as our constitution does not allow for such a thing. Federal laws are passed by congress and the president. There is no referendums at the federal level.

  3. Marijuana is for losers.

    Besides the stuff will remain illegal as long as there are more mature voters than immature ones.

  4. I feel that it will never happen.

  5. Legalize marijuana?  I'd support it.

    National vote?  No.  It's not the way we do things here.  It's unconstitutional.

  6. It's a good idea, but I don't think it will ever happen.

    First off, National laws are made in Congress, the USA doesn't have nation-wide votes on anything but the offices of the Presidency & Vice Presidency.

    Secondly, decriminalizing Marijuana pretty much makes the whole "war on drugs" a moot point, doesn't it?  The numbers of people who actually do hard drugs-coke, smack, speed, acid on any sort of regular basis don't add up enough to justify the billions of dollars spent.

    Third, and most important, legalizing pot cuts straight into the profits of the big pharaceutical companies.  Who would buy prozac, valium, appetite stimulators, anti depresants, anti anxiety, or other such drugs (which make up a significant amount of legal drug sales) if they could grow a couple of plants & home and take a few tokes at the end of the day?

    Fourth, and I'll go ahead & quote Bill Hicks "It's not a war on drugs, it's a war on personal freedom.  Keep that in mind at ALL times."

  7. Legalise it! I don't smoke personally, ciggies yes but not cannabis, have tried it of course. Have nothing against it just not into pufing away thats all. If we have the legalised sale of alcohol then it really makes no sense why we can't have the legalised sale of hash.

  8. I rather be around a stoner then a drunk anyday.

    I've never seen a stoner mean!

  9. i feel that marijuana should stay illegal. it IS a gateay drug. after using for a few months, the high isnt the same or as strong, therefore smokers look to harder drugs to get a better high. too many lives have been screwed up by drugs, and the lives of their loved ones.

  10. i think we should do it - decriminalize it unless you are making poor decisions under the influence (let us have some fun)

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