
How do you feel about all the development occuring in costa rica?

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Costa Rica is a hot spot for developers. They have beautiful rainforests with many different animal and plants and they are being torn down to create a larger tourist market and condos and homes in Costa Rica. Would you purchase a newly developed condo there? Other than not-contributing, any suggestions on taking a stand on putting an end to it?




  1. Development is an indicator of economic stabiity or and economic upswing.  As much as deforestation and overpopulation can be a probelm, CR has set aside a large quantity of land to be protected.  This is different from many other latin american nations. I also think that protecting the rainforest is important, but there are other places that do not conserve.  Along the lines of the worlds probelms, I personally am more concerned about genocide, poverty, infant mortality, and dictatorial rule that leaves people dead, than I am about the protected rainiforest in CR.

  2. Almost 30 percent of all the land in Costa Rica is protected from development, either by being part of a national park, a biological reserve of some sort, a national forest, a protected zone, or a privately owned nature preserve. That is quite amazing really. No other country even comes close to preserving such a large amount of its national territory.

    Yes, development is continuing to increase throughout much of Costa Rica - unabated and in too many cases irresponsibly. But I believe you are wasting your tears and energy on bemoaning this development merely because it is "development."

    Costa Rica is a very poor country - not as poor as some countries in Central America, of course, but poor nonetheless. Even though the people of Costa Rica have their hearts in the right place concerning the protection of so much of their natural resources, they cannot afford to pay the workers and guards and rangers necessary to protect even the "protected" areas from illegal logging and animal poaching.

    Rather than simply lamenting the increase in development, why not attempt to help save that which is actually "save-able" - those lands that have some sort of a protected status? Volunteer with the national park service, or send money to environmental organizations in Costa Rica that work to eliminate poachers and loggers in protected zones.

    In other words, do something that is actually "do-able" rather than merely whining (and that is what it is, alas) about "taking a stand on putting an end to it."

    Development destroying paradise? No! It is not! Paradise is still here - but it needs REAL help. Merely lamenting and "taking a stand" (whatever that may mean) doesn't cut it.

  3. it really sucks, i love going there but it is just not the same as before, i still love it though!!!!

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