
How do you feel about america ?

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i really wanna move to the UK because i feel as though im surrounded by prejudice judgemental hypocrites. what do you think ?





  2. america is a great country but we need the right ppl in office to change things and society in america is judgemental and alot of it is bullshyte!!!! good luck in the

  3. my son has a bumper sticker on his car - "I'm HAPPY to be an American but not particularly PROUD at this point!"

    That about says it!  George W. Bush has humiliated all of us, especially those of us who didn't vote for him either time!  (Well, probably especially for those who voted for him BOTH times!) - He's an illiterate BOOB!!!

  4. I love America.  I am thinking of moving to Mexico, though,  as I am sure there is plenty of room for settlers down there, because most of their citizens now live next door to me.

  5. I am not positive. The dominant culture seems very money orientated, and that is how success is measured, and yet the US has outrageous levels of poverty and deprivation.

    US internationally really are the bully boys of the world - if they want something they just steam in and get it - Bush etc with all that blood on their hands (most countries do this, but the US can do more and do do more).

    The US has the largest population of morbidly obese people in the world, and yet has the most extraordinary pressure to conform to a certain type of look  - and I really hate those HUGE white teeth they get put on instead of their perfectly good but not so huge and white teeth that they had naturally.

    The US is responsible for such atrocities as 'College Girls Gone Wild' and 'My Super Sweet Sixteen' - enough said!

    Madonna settled in the UK saying that she found the people more intelligent here - it is true that we tend to think of Americans as fat and stupid.

    The US is the greediest nation on earth - not just in food terms - gobbling up more resources per person than anywhere else in the world.

    Americanisms are everywhere in our language now - when non US/Canadian people call biscuits cookies I just want to scream!

    I could go on....

  6. I think u r TOTALLY rite !

  7. You always be.  It's human nature to a certain extent, and you'll see it just as bad in the UK.  You only seem to see it so much more here because of the media and the way it blows up the drama.  That and we're taught to have "racial pride".  Unfortunately, racial pride for any race simply enforces the idea that certain groups are different and better or worse than others and divides people instead of bringing them together, although not as bad as it used to be way back when.  Of course, the whole idea of racial pride is ridiculous, anyway, no matter what your race.  Being born black or white is not an accomplishment.  It's a roll of the genetetic dice.  You just ended up being born whatever you were born, and hand no hand in it.  That's like saying you are proud of winning the lottery... you can be happy with it, but proud is stretching it a little.  But, yeah, prejudice is everywhere else too...

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