
How do you feel about animal cloning?

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Would you clone a beloved pet? Why?




  1. no because if (i think) you clone a pet, it will split half of their action, diet, bavior, etc... and it will make them weaker, so i wanna protest animal cloning, but i too young for that :'-(

  2. i hate the thought of animal cloning. here man is again trying to pass another barrior set by God, trying to create life. and cloning animals for the purpose of eating food? i wouldnt dare eat anything that started life in a test tube.

  3. The poor health of cloned animals, combined with the instability and unpredictability of the genetic manipulations, leads to important concerns about the safety of consuming food products from cloned animals. The effects of creating uniform herds of animals, and the resulting loss of biodiversity, have significant implications for the environment and the ability of cloned herds to withstand diseases. In addition, the majority of Americans have strong ethical objections to cloning animals, and are concerned that animal cloning will lead to human cloning, that cloning is unreligious, or that cloning is just not 'right.' These are all concerns which have not yet received adequate attention or discussion, and which must be addressed before the FDA can make any statement regarding the acceptability of cloned animals.

  4. The only thing we should be cloning is really hot chicks. If the world needs more of anything, it's that. And we should genetically alter them so they don't gain 100 pounds after each pregnancy.  

  5. Not on pets but endangered animals for they canreproduce alot quicker

  6. No why Because i dont want to besides Cloning sucks and it so upsetting.

  7. I Think Scientists should stop playing GOD!...Thats why the drugs they give to "Help" us with our ailments do more Harm than good....Their always trying to make things better and always end up making things work.....Instead of Cloning i wish they would find a Natural/Organic Cure for Cancer!!

  8. I think it has it's good points and bad points. We could take the DNA of an animal close to extinction, and have it forever, to clone it, so eventually there would be enough to repopulate the species(in theory)

    I wouldn't clone a pet. Just because something is genetically the same, doesn't mean it will be the exact same animal. It will have a different experience growing up that could change it behavior, and it'll just die again, so you'll end up going though the pain.

    I feel bad that even natural born animals are brought into the world just to be killed, so I'd feel just as bad about an animal cloned to be killed as well(for food, etc)

  9. I personally don't mind it.  It could lead to better livestock.  It could be overdone, of course.  Right now there are just a few strains of apples on the market, even though there are hundreds of different varieties still in the world.  But some have been crossbred and manipulated so much that result is something like the Red Delicious - beautiful red color, large, shiny, easy to ship, long-lasting, and tastes like mush.  Imagine if we ended up with beef cattle like that?

    Would I clone a pet?  Probably not.  Each one of my pets has been a unique individual.  I've had cats that with more personality than some people I know.  And I figure I haven't seen every kind of cat personality yet, so why repeat one of them?

  10. My dog is my best friend.  I never knew how much an animal could mean to you until I got him and we bonded.  

    I will be devastated when he finally dies.  He's just starting to get old, and he's a rescue dog.  He was already six when I got him two years ago.

    I would never clone him.  There are pleanty of homeless dogs out there that could use adopting and I would just look at his clone and project my memories of him on the clone.  The clone would not be the dog I remembered and I think that somehow would devalue the life of the clone.  

    It's good science if used responsibly but I personnaly wouldn't use it to replace my dog.

  11. I'm torn between yes and no. I wish we could bring back species of animals that were killed by man with cloning but I also think mankind shouldn't play God.

  12. Animal cloning might be useful in terms of using the animals to produce some specific chemicals or organ parts (by cloning an animal that already has these traits), but for food and pets its more efficient to just go natural ...

  13. i think its ridiculous that someone would want to clone anything. I would never clone my kitty.. that would be weird having two of the exact same thing running around my house...

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