
How do you feel about assigned seating?

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I will be teaching a first grade class and I have heard two different sides about assigned seating. 1- you should let the children choose their seat because it helps them feel trusted because they are given a choice. 2 - give them assigned seating because they wont know the difference so wont get upset, but it will allow for less disruption since they may sit beside a friend.

I will be teaching at a brand new school (1st year open) and since I will be teaching 1st grade, I'm not sure how many of the students will know the other students so sitting beside friends may not be a problem. I'm not sure. I want to begin a successful year. Can you help?

I want your opinion... but I also want you to back it up with a reason.




  1. For children this young, they need assigned seating.  It's already hard enough to keep the attention span of 6 year olds.  Allowing them to choose their own seats could cause chaos on the first day.  Not to mention, they will want to sit by their friends and chat.  They are probably really nervous to be on their own the first day, and it will be helpful to have assigned seating and show them that you are in charge.

  2. Assign seating for them, at least at first. Whether they're "upset" shouldn't be a factor - you're in charge, not them.

    I always assign seats at first, no matter what the grade is. Once you get to know the class you can decide what to do afterward.

    You can work on the trust issue in other ways, like giving each child a job. Too many choices are overwhelming to young children.

  3. i think assigned seating because if students pick their seats their most likly going to be by friends and talk alot to them. also its a good idea for them to meet and greet new students who they dont know that well and sit by them and get to know them better.

  4. Assigned seating is good. I use assigned seating in my classes. This way even students who do not have friends can make new friends. Also sometimes children fight to sit near a certain playmate, this can be avoided by assigned seating

  5. I personally use a mixture of both.

    I use assigned seating at the beginning of the year, and we play a "find your name" game to break the ice and accustom them to their new seats. However I do program time during each day for the children to choose which seats they would like to sit in. Sometimes this is for group reading, art activities, or free time.

    I tell my students right at the beginning that they will have their seats/tables changed every term so they will get to sit with different people each term. I am also flexible, and my student's know that if they are having problems sitting at a particular table then they are able to come to me and I will negotiate a different seat for them.

    I find that because my students have that dedicated time each day to sit where they like, they accept and respect their assigned seating.

    Best of luck with the new class.

  6. I think that you could mix it up on a monthly basis, either assigning different seats each month or assigning seats one month and then allowing them to choose one month. Whether or not they are able to choose their seats could also be set up as some type of award system, though the assigning of seats should not be done as a punishment.

    Students will have plenty of time to work and play with friends that they already know, this a perfect opportunity to start new relationships.

    Good luck.

  7. Definitely assigned.  Remember, these kids really are frightened little people and by having the teacher take charge right away by assigning seats, then the students can relax and be ready to learn.  Never let them know you have misgivings about anything.  Those pupils need a strong figure to guide them.  Good luck and have fun.  Perhaps you can have a circle time of reading where kids are allowed to sit with their friends for some time.

  8. I've taught kindergarten, first and second... I would definitely used assigned seating because you will need to have their name tag on their desk so they know how to form the letters in their name.  At this age some are still copying it from the tag- others have not written their name all summer :( Young children need structure!  By letting them choose different seats every time you run the risk of having more children unhappy because they wanted to sit next to so and so but so and so sat their first...

    I would sit the kids in groups of 4 so they can get to know at least a few other people... I have always changed seats monthly... I let the kids choose their own seats for the month of June.  Except for second grade- I have let them choose who they want to sit next to- but if it doesn't work, they have to sit next to who I choose.  I do this because I want to teach them to make god choices- sometimes it's not what they want but it's what is right and what will keep them out of trouble...

    Good Luck this year!!

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