
How do you feel about commuting to work by train?

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I live in NJ 10 minutes from Philadelphia, and I currently work in NJ, and drive to work everyday. I'm considering a position in Philadelphia, and I wanted to see how people who currently commute by train to work everyday feel about their commute. I'm estimating that it's going to take me around 40-50 minutes commuting 10 minutes from my house, because it takes about 8 minutes to get the train station then waiting for the train to come, about a 10 minute train ride and walking about a block to work.

Do those who do this routinely get tired of their jobs quicker, or once you get into the groove, does it just become second nature?





  1. I'm so jealous, I wish I had a train to use to commute with.  It is much less stressful to sit back and let someone else do the driving.  Trains are also more reliable (you won't get held back due to traffic).

  2. I did it for years and it became second nature to me. When I changed jobs and had to drive I was shocked at how nice it was to let someone else do the driving while I worked the morning crossword puzzle and talked with friends. The ride took 1.5 hours as opposed to a 1.0 hour drive. The cost was about 10.00 a day and driving was about the same. The half hour lost was more than made up by the stress reduction.

  3. I live about 20 minutes outside of Boston and commute via train every day.  I've been doing it for four years now.  Prior, I commuted via car.

    I never want to go back to driving.  Granted you have to deal with other people when commuting by train and sometimes there are delays, but being able to sit down, close your eyes and listen to music or use a laptop, read a paper, etc....  It's soooo much nicer than being in a car, stressing about the people around you.

    I actually found I am less stressed at work because I commute.  It's one less thing I have to worry about, which gives me more time to focus at work on work.  When I get home at night, I've already had that 45 minute wind down period being on the train, so I can just get into relaxing, making dinner or my workout routine, without being all jacked up from driving home, which is definitely stressful.

    I say go for it.  You'll get used to it in no time and won't want to go back!

  4. I've commuted in Boston and Houston and whenever I have the opportunity, I use public transit.  It's great knowing you can rely on the scheduled trains, gas prices have little to no effect on your commute and you can relax on your ride, or get a jump on the day's activities.  

    Giving up the freedom of my car was painless compared to the commute into the city and I never minded sharing my space with others.  Everyone pretty much keeps to themselves and are polite to one another.  Not having to park my car in a garage and saving wear and tear was awesome as well.

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