
How do you feel about democracy in the US?

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Many people could hardly say that we live in a democracy. And I must agree with them. It is "we the people of the United States." But President Bush does not listen to "We the people"

our opinion dosen't matter. Time and time again we have tried to get our troops home, but yet he still finds a way to ignore us and keep them there longer. More than 365,000 Iraqi civilians are dead. 9/11 was caused by Alkida, not Iraq, Oh my because President Bush is such a moron now 4000+ american soilders are dead. War does not get us anywhere. What are we going to gain from going out and occupying other countries, and killing them? You have to be sick to be satisfied only by killing someone because you believe they are bad peopel. Now all honor to our goverment, the world hates us. It's too late for an inpeachment now, but we need to let the world know that we do not stand behind what our president is doing. Sure you get an impeachment called on you for sleeping with an intern,




  1. You are living in what's called a representative democracy. That means that, once you have cast your vote, you can only hope that the politician you voted for will keep to their promises.

    If you are against the war, e.g., you have to vote for somebody who is against it, too, and just hope they don't change their mind once they are in office.

    Most of the time I think that it's a poor excuse of a democracy, since it  leads to apathy on the side of the voters, and to the formation of a political class which is firmly in the hand of those who financed their campaign, and are going to be asked to do so next time.

  2. Democracy in America will be a footnote in history if we don't wake up and stop allowing criminal politicians to continue the gradual dismantling of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  

    That dismantling was one of the objectives for the complicity in 9/11.  The complicity was not by "the government", it was by criminal elements in the government.

    If you think the Patriot Act was bad, look up HR1955.  Don't be fooled by the word "terrorism" in the name.  HR1955 is about quashing political dissent in America.

    Wake up people.  Why all the new laws?  Our chances of being injured by Arab terrorists are about the same as our changes of being struck by lightning, yet we tolerate the gradual creation of a police state right before our very eyes.

    Are we so afraid that we will allow HR1955 to criminalize political dissent and allow the government to monitor ALL of our internet activities.   C'mon!!!

  3. I think as easy as it is to blame the politicians, Americans need to step up to the plate and start taking control of our own government.  WE put the politicians in office.  As Americans, we hate congress as a whole yet the incumbancy rate in the House of represnetatives is like 90%, and it's like 80% in the senate.  We keep electing the same people in to office and then we just go complain about it later.  Voting rates are horrible. Americans are too lazy to vote.  We need to start taking back the control of our government.  VOTE PEOPLE!!!!

  4. It makes me oh so glad we are a republic.

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