
How do you feel about drivers who don't give the courtesy wave?

by  |  earlier

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Yow!!!...Wolf and Me Again,

I didn't mean to anger anyone, it was a survey type question. I am not attached to the outcome of wether or not people acknowledge my polite or even impolite driving. I was just wondering. I spend a lot of time driving myseld not 35 years, but at least 15 behind the wheel of inner city driving......and generally I like being mobile!




  1. it makes me annoyed when people lack the respect or manners to do such an easy, courteous thing.

  2. I think that they are not being courteous.

  3. I don't hate them , but i do get a small sting in the bottom of my heart that makes me feel sad.

  4. I don't really care. I always do b/c I like to be a nice person, but if someone doesn't it doesn't wreck my day.

  5. I have no opinion concerning drivers who don't give the courtesy wave. What I have a monumental problem with is people who cannot exist happily for even one day unless other people have fallen on their knees and thanked them for every single god dam thing. These are the same people who get to work and, without being asked, give everyone a play-by-play reenactment of their commute to work, complete with a detailed account of every person who cut them off, tailgated them, drove too slow in front of them, didn't use a turn signal, and generally did all the same things THEY do.

  6. I think people need to pay attention to their driving FIRST and to their courtesies second.  I think Miss Manners would agree, and also say you hardly need to care about the courtesies of other people you won't soon meet again.

    You never know, that person may have just encountered a driving (i.e. safety) situation that needed their attention.  Something perhaps you missed or that didn't affect you.

    Besides, if you are only courteous because you want recognition, well, that's not courtesy.

  7. If I had known how impolite they were going to be I wouldn't have helped them.

  8. I feel like pelting their vehicles with half empty beer cans.

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