
How do you feel about going back to school?

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I REALLY dont want to go back, but at the same time, my summer was SOOOO BORING! I miss people.

I'm gonna be in 10th grade when I go back on Aug. 21

what grade are you gonna be in this year, when do you go back?

What are you looking most forward to and least forward to?




  1. im going to be in 4th year (10th grade)

    i am most looking forward to seeing my friends

    i am least looking forward to starting to revise for my standard grades

  2. Im going back to college and i cant wait!! i love it, much better than school!! (im english tho our schooling systems are totally different like 11-16 high school then do what the h**l you want)

    Im there by choice!

  3. I am going to be in the 11th grade and I go back on the 18th. I am looking forward to meeting my new teachers, having new books, and seeing friends again. i look least forward to getting up early.

  4. same here i go back less than a week augest 18th 8th grade most fowarad too my friends and my cursh.least fwaord too seeing my ex friend if i see her



  5. i'm g0nna be in 10th als0!

    && start the 26th.

    i'm excited because this year im d0ing

    independant studies!

    if i werent d0ing it i w0uld definently

    n0t be excited t0 g0 back t0 sch00l.

    but im l00king f0ward t0 seeing h0w this g0es(:

  6. im going to be a softmore also and i go back the 28th, and i dont wanna go back. i feel like i dont have many friends at my school . thats why i dont wanna go back.. also schools boring..

    and about your boring summer you should try and make the last few days of it the bomb.. to have something to remember:)

  7. I know what you people feel. I just graduated like 3 months ago and i miss my friends especially friend Lisa but its part of life. But make sure you guys enjoy school even though you'll get tried of it after awhile.

  8. I am going to be a sophomore, and I go back the 2nd of September. I don't really want to go back, but I miss my friends. I just don't want the homework, tests, and all that stress.  

  9. I want to go, since I've had one of my most boring summers of my life.

    I'm going back on August 19th (Open House is August 16th)

    I'm going to 6th grade.


  10. nervous, but looking forward 2 it. it's ok cuz i get to experience high skool with friends & all.i am kinda sad that some of my friends form middle skool aren't going 2 my high skool, but i'll make new friends. I'm going 2 da 9th grade. I go back sept. 3rd, u go back on my birthday.

  11. WELL i am exicted to start middle school but i also miss some people. And i am going to 6th. And i start on the 18th this monday i think. And welli am looking forward to see my friends and meet new people too. And i lest looking forward to is that i have like 4 classes ont he first floor and one outside/pe and like the other one is on the second floor and the last one is on the 3rd floor!!!!! and i have to go from up and down the starirs for each class!! literaly!

  12. im gonna be a freshman and i cant wait to go back! i start august 25

  13. 10th grade.

    Going back on monday, definitely don't want to.

    I'd rather sleep.


  14. I'm going to be a sophomore and I go back to school August 26. In a way, I want to go back to school because my summer was also extremely boring (except for my week at band camp which kicked ***!).

    I really don't want to go because I dislike a lot of the people at my school. They are all so rude to their peers and the teachers and staff, they're obnoxious and they don't give a care if they get an education or not. I just don't really look forward into going back because of some of the people. Ugh, that's one of the reasons why I hate the school district.

    The two main reasons I want to go back is choir and band. I tried out in ninth grade last year for A Capella and I'm in as a Soprano 1 so I'm pretty happy about that.

    The biggest main reason I want to go back is because of band. I love band, I love music and I love the people there. We're just like a huge family and it's just so nice. Our first game which is away, is before school next Friday so I'm happy. We've worked our asses off during band camp and it makes me happy. I don't care what anybody says, we work harder than any football team. We've put more time and dedication into putting on a good show. I can't wait, band is extremely fun and I love every aspect of it.

  15. everyones goes back sooo early i don't go back until sept 2nd at 1:10

    i don't wanna go back either someone special has moved schools it just wont be the same with out them:(

    im gonna be in th 10th grade too

    looking forward to school uniform hoodies :)

    going into town at lunch:)

  16. excited yet lazy ugg school  

  17. im excited actually

    ive been bored all summer anyways

    but im kinda worried cuz i havent finished my summer homework!!!

    but i cant wait to see all my friends again and make some new ones

    and meet some new teachers

  18. i want to go back. im gonna be in 8th grade and school starts August 25.  i look forward to being the biggest kids in the school, seeing my friends, and just not being in my house. i dont look forward to the pressure we are going to be under, because this 8th grade teacher said that we would start getting tested and recomended for the classes we are going to take in highschool. or the homework. not looking forward to that. or getting up before 930. that i think is the worst part.

  19. i am gonna to 10th grade. I'm happy to see my friends but i dont want to do school work

  20. I'm starting my 2nd year of college and I LOVE it, it's so much better than high school, which I hated.

  21. CRAPPY, I don't won't to go to a new school middle school (5th grade) and i have a book due in 4 days and I'm only on page 36 i think some were in the 30's and the book has 174 pages and i have only 4 days to get that book done and it doesn't make sense, and the book is called The Silent Boy, and it doesn't make sense and i get back Aug.21 too...!?

  22. i'm going to be in 10th grade, i think i go back September 2nd or 3rd, and no, i don't wanna go back

  23. i went back on monday and i am now a junior.

    i was most looking forward to getting out of the house, i was least looking forward to everything else

  24. Sept 2 for me, 11th grade and what I look forward to is doubling up on science by taking Biology 2 and Environmental and my cousin will be in my orchestra class with me. What I'm not looking forwards too is seeing this guy that I hate- we used to be close friends but he started saying c**p about my other friends

  25. I kinda liked to be lazy during the summer-

    School is kinda stressful.

    Doing nothing over the summer still makes me feel not accomplishing anything-but during school, I'd rather wish it was summer/winter break.

  26. I'm 14 years old and I'm going to be in 11th grade. I go back on the 18th.

    Ugh...I hate public school. That is why I've been taking my classes online. Even though I am not influenced by my peers, I don't like being surrounded by them. I'm more of an independent worker, you could say. I'm called 'anti-social' because I only talk when necessary so...= =;;

    I'm looking forward to my American Sign Language class and my 2nd year in Art 2-D. I am learning ASL by myself right now so taking that class with enhance it even more. ^_^

    I'm looking least forward to sitting alone at the lunch table.....= =;;

  27. my summer was really boring too i went places but only for a couple of days. i'm really excited for school!! I'm going in ninth grade

  28. I don't want to go but then I do want to go, cause I haven't seen all my friends since then. =]

  29. i'm going to be a sophomore

    and my classes don't start until september 2nd

    i can't wait to receive my class schedule and to be with my friends

    but i hate doing homework

  30. well on one hand i want to go bcuz i'm getting kinda bored on the other hand i dont wat to do home work and stuff  

    aug. 26

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