
How do you feel about hand me down clothing and whatever else??

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i am just asking this because when one of my best friends was pregnant and she didn't know what the s*x was, i told her that if she has a boy i have plenty of baby clothes for her (good condition, i might add). she then told me that she wouldn't need them because her mother said that her grandchildren will never have hand me downs. like they are so rich, anyway, it kinda struck me weird for a second. i was just like "okaaayyy" i know that when my son was a baby i accepted whatever clothes people gave me and i put them on him! i didn't have tons of money and appreciated everything i got!! lots of his stuff wasn't brand spankin new but it was decent!

so when a coworker of mine just had his son, i asked him if he wanted some baby clothes from my son. i wasn't sure how he would react but he said he would take them! i am happy to give them to someone who can use them!

anyway, i am just curious how you feel about them?? if you would take them for your kids or have already?? and why people wouldn't want them??




  1. I cannot understand why someone would refuse hand-me-downs, it is extremely s****. and unappreciative.  When my daughter was born, that was almost all she wore for the first year!  My cousin gave us ALL of his daughters clothes, she is now 6 so we have all of her clothes up to about size 4.  And let me tell you, my daughter will be wearing every single thing in that box at some point (if it fits her in the right season).  My friend also gave me all of her daughter's summer clothes.  And since babies grow out of stuff so incredibly quickly, most of it looked brand new - some of the PJ's had faint barf stains, but who really cares?  And it was all brand name stuff - Tommy Hilfiger, Baby Gap, Mexx, and I other stuff i don't usually buy.  

    My daughter goes to daycare, so the hand-me-downs are especially great, it's not such a big deal if they get dirty and stained.

    And when I am done with haivng kids, you can bet that every single item will be either passed on to friends who will use them or donated to charity.

  2. Your friend's mother is a snob, and your friend was very rude and tacky.  She could have said something less snobbish, like that she already had plenty of clothes for the baby, instead of sticking her nose up the way she did.

    My son is an only child, and the only grandchild/nephew within a 2,000 - mile radius.  Needless to say, he has always had a huge wardrobe.  I would accept hand - me - downs if they were offered and/or if my son didn't have way too much already.  I see nothing wrong with them, but we just have too much clutter to accept anyone else's.  But you get where I'm going with this.  No, there is nothing wrong with good quality, pre - worn clothing - especially for little ones who grow so quickly.

  3. Yeah i have plenty of hand me down clothes for my son. As long as it looks good i am happy!

  4. Is it her first baby?  

    I know that when I was pregnant with my first child I didn't want hand-me-downs.  I wanted everything to be shiny and new.  Of course, that was before I had full comprehension of how much a baby really does cost.  I have a little more wisdom now & can fully appreciate clothing and gear that has been gently used before.

    Better to give those clothes (as you have) to somebody that is able to appreciate them now.  She'll regret the decision later.  Trust me.

  5. both of my kids have all hand me downs except for the occasional ones that gramma buys! I'm all for the hand me downs.

  6. My babies don't wear other people's hand me downs. It's not because I'm rich or feel superior; it's just because I don't put my little baby's into many clothes to begin with. My children tend to wear inexpensive rompers and stuff until they are around two; I just don't see much of a need to take things from others when I don't need them. I'd much rather see them donate them to a charity organization.

    While she did sound s****., at least she told you she didn't want them instead of taking them anyway and tossing them in the trash.

    That said, I donate all my used clothing to Goodwill or the Salvation Army.  

  7. I also took whatever hand me downs anyone would give me. I went to plenty of garage sales and looked for baby clothes. Babies grow so fast I couldnt afford to buy something brand new and my baby only wore it 1 time.

  8. Some people simply prefer new. I dont accept used items or buy them. I do however hand down my kids items and donate what others dont need. I can afford to buy new. And if i find someone who wants to get rid of baby items i usually take them and donate them to a crisis nursey. There is nothing wrong with using hand me downs. But that doesn't mean everyone has to use them.

  9. Absolutely I would take hand me downs any day. Whats the point in buying new clothes for a baby that in 3 months won't fit them any more. The only thing I wouldn't take is a crib unless I knew the people who owned it first and that it was fairly new. That's for safety reasons though. It sounds to me like your friend is a little s****.

  10. I have two children, boy and girl and have always accepted what friends have given me for them.  Kids outgrow clothes very quickly and children´s clothes are very often sooo expensive.  You only have to wash them properly and there you go.  What´s the point in spending hundreds of dollars that will last for a few weeks, only?  

  11. Well, if I  get hand-me-downs, I appreciate it, but I definitely would like to be in control of what I get.  I have a cousin who basically dumped everything of hers onto me instead of having a garage sale.  Lots of the stuff is way beyond usable- stained, rips, unsanitary, etc.  I just don't think she wanted to sort through it, she just boxed it all up and brought it over.  Then I had to be responsible for getting rid of all the junk that wasn't usable.

    On the other hand, I have a friend who told me to come over, and I picked out the things that I liked and was so grateful for them!

    If your friend declined your offer, don't be offended, just say okay and give them to someone who will appreciate them.

  12. i think hand-me-downs are great. thats what they make washing machines for. i also think if someone else can get some use out of some things that would otherwise be given away or discarded thats wonderful..especially a new family starting out that might be on a fixed budget. clothes, toys, furniture, all can be washed/sterilized.

    i say that was very thoughtful of you.  

  13. Most of my kids clothing was hand me downs when they were babies and now that their teenagers, not much has changed.  My daughter has expensive taste and I'm willing to shell out for one or two pairs of jeans a year but the rest is hand me downs or she buys it herself.  

    My son tends to get more new clothes because he's the only boy in the family and has no one to receive from, but one of his friends is bigger than him and every time he sleeps over there he comes home with something that no longer fits his friend.  His taste isn't expensive and he hardly ever grows so his clothes don't cost me a lot.  

    Even *I* wear hand me downs.  I don't accept everything in the bags thrown my way but I can usually get a few pieces that fit and are still nice enough to wear.  We're a one income household...hand me downs are par for the course.

  14. I'll be so happy if people consider giving me their children's hand me downs because it's such a nice gesture. Doesn't matter where I am financially, anything is helpful and I would use items given to me as I see fit, if not I will pass it along to the next person who would accept it or need it. I think some people who don't feel comfortable in accepting hand me down items because they feel it is dirty and would rather get all new items for their children. I don't get it though, because items at the store are dirty too... wouldn't you have to wash, clean any new items you buy from the stores anyways? So why does it make such a difference? My SIL is pregnant, not sure what she is having but I have a feeling she is the type that won't accept hand me downs just because of the kind of lifestyle she lives and how much name brand, new things means to her. A bit shallow, but overall not such a bad person.

  15. I love hand me downs and I am a habitual yard saler.  My husband is the only one that works and we have 2 girls.  I am still loosing baby weight so I even buy for me...Why not when you can get Tommy, Calvin Klein, and Ralph Lauren for a few bucks instead of $50+?  If you find the right ones there are some brand new nice clothes, too.

  16. I've taken them and gave some of my sons clothes to people.  I don't see anything wrong with it.

  17. Most babies dont wear clothes long enough to wear them out, so its not like they are ragged clothes, they just usually dont fit anymore if they did they would still be wearing them because there is still a lot of use left in them. I see nothing wrong with hand me downs, I bought most of my sons clothes a resale shops and garage sales. I was able to get so much for great prices that I have sizes all the way up to 2t already and he isnt born yet. I have most stuff used but I did want to buy the stroller brand new and car seat just becaues I felt like at least something should be new.

  18. As the youngest child of three, I got hand me downs growing up.  Of course I was able to get my own clothes, too.  

    But when my son was born, I took hand me downs if offered.  Why bother going to buy tons of brand new stuff when you can get hand me downs and then go and buy some new?

  19. I never had a problem with using them or giving them, as long as they were in good shape.  The real problem comes when people give you things that they consider to be in good shape and when you get them they are all stained up or dingy or otherwise yucky looking...if you decide not to keep them, they get offended, and if you decide to just get rid of them when they aren't around, eventually they'll ask what happened to all the things they gave you.  Or, worse yet, the people who "lend" you their baby clothes and expect them back...if something happens to an outfit they'll never let you forget it.  You're better off taking stuff to goodwill and buying at consignment.  You won't have any hurt feelings that way.

  20. send it my way

  21. I take awesome care of my sons clothes and make sure they are stain free and clean. I hand them on to the next. I dont see anything wrong with it. They dont fit too long and before you know it they are too small and you are out buying more. it is not easy right now. the less you have to buy the better.I am not ashamed.I think that if someone wants to pass me something it will surely be used. I am not so picky that I cant use them,. now being stained up... I would not use them but for at home things. like playing outside. When he was smalller it was all  hand me downs. Now i dont know someone with a child his size. but if i did... i would use the clothes or whatever it is thast they have for me.  people think that hand me downs are embarassing. some refuse to think that they cant do it them selves. I think that it is a ego thing. like you say... she has money.I bet you the child is wearing name brands. Which is no better then somethin you  can get at walmart.

    No worries... someone else can use them and be happy you gave them to the person who will use them and need them.

    Thanks for passing the clothes around. Im sure if they are in nice condition... the will pass them on too!

  22. Some people who grew up in the depression years or had parents who lived then, or people who were the third or fourth child, wore nothing but hand-me-downs and swore that none of their kids would ever wear them.

    I can understand that, but I think sharing clothes is wonderful. Especially with babies who outgrow them so quickly! I come from a big family with lots of children and we shared everything. Hand-me-downs are also politically correct now because they are GREEN! Throwing away good clothes or purchasing unnecessarily are both wasteful-Hand-me-downs are recycling!  

  23. I am only 10 weeks and my sister-in-law is already giving me neutral gender clothes....and I am more than HAPPY to take them.  She is also giving me her baby swing b/c her son will be grown out of it by the time I have my baby.  ALSO, she is giving me her baby carseat with both bases and the stoller to put it in!!  I feel like I hit the lottery!!!  THis is my first and I'll take whatever she'll give me!  No offense, your friend must be stuck up!!!

  24. If it saves money on my part and stops the clothes from being wasted -what's the problem?

  25. I WILL TAKE IT!!  

  26. Babies are in clothes for so little time that I think it is a total waste of money to buy all new clothes. Of course you are going to want to buy something new to bring them home in and maybe a special outfit for pictures, other than that hand me downs and Wal-mart!

  27. I would take them but my son is the oldest of everyone we know but when he was a baby I took them .. I now bag his clothes up every few months and my hubby takes them to a man at his work that has 5 boys and they really appreciate them.

  28. This is prob. her first baby.  Ifelt that way with my first, then i realized how soon they grow out of their clothes.  Hand-me downs are fine for babies b/c it would just be a waste if we didnt reuse them, most babies only wear an outfit once or twice ne way.  As long as there are no stains, i dont see why not.  I think their reasoning might have no basis other than being snooty.

  29. Send hand-me downs my way - the money I save on clothes will go to his college fund!

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