
How do you feel about he government deciding what you can eat? what next?

by  |  earlier

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It seem's the government things they should ban some food that they feel is not good for us, like any thing that has trans-fat in it like all the fast food places use in there oilor did use.

Did anyone ask big brother to decide what we should eat? what next will they decide is bad for us?I am a older adult and I do not like what is happing to are country, the government is takeing over even what we eat it is spooky.what do you think?




  1. Bad news...

  2. I like pizza. we need them to make sure the Chinese onions don't have too much e coli when they reach walmart

  3. My advice? Go with the flow. Instead of fighting it, demand that good food is steak and lobster and all other types of food should be banned. Demand caviar be cheap too. Demand it to be delivered to your front door every morning on the government's tab. Fight insanity with insanity. Think out of the box my friend. You have to understand that politicians are like any other human beings with power. They do not like being told what to do and will pass the law to spite you if you seem to be against it, just to show who is boss, no matter how dumb the law may be. If you go with it and throw in some demands of your own, well it will put them on edge and might get them to not do it or if they pass it with your absurd demands, you got something you wanted out of the deal any ways. This is why I advised the above. Once again, think out side the box and use stupidity to your advantage,

    Besides this be hilarious when people become more hated then drug dealers when they become black market dealers for McChicken nuggets appear arrested on the evening news.

  4. The United Nanny States of America

  5. I totally agree with you.  I'm still pissed off about being told I have to wear a seatbelt.  It's none of their business.  I, like you, am old enough to remember when we had much more freedom.  And leftist ideology has taken a lot of freedom from us.  That is why I find it so comical when people complain about the Patriot Act and Bush - it's totally naive.   A socialist leaning Obama is much more dangerous to freedom than Bush ever could be.

  6. That will only happen if more Republicans are elected. I mean, they are the party that wants to listen in on our phone calls, read our emails, tell women what they can/ cannot do with their own bodies even if it threatens their life and they want to decide who we can or cannot marry.

  7. If a locality votes to ban specific foods they have that right.

    If a plurality of voters in a region vote to ban specific foods they have that right.

    If a State Legislature votes to ban specific foods they have that right.

    If the Federal Government votes to ban specific foods they are violating the Constitution.

    How I feel about it is irrelevant. I will vote against it if the opportunity arises, however, if my elected officials vote to ban any type of food I will not be voting for them in the next election.

  8. Good point I never thought about food that way.

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