
How do you feel about letting the U.N. have control of 70 percent of the earth's surface?

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Is there anything that we as American citizens can do about it?




  1. The UN is the most do nothing impotent organization with nothing but corrupted members.

  2. The UN can barely control themselves.

  3. a huge barf! "lost" is an understatement.It is a disaster,it will make the oil for food scandal look like a school picnic!!!!

  4. Over 70% of the Earth's surface is water -- and not really controlled by anyone.

    Even if you're talking 70% of landmass -- the UN doesn't control anything -- they are neither a regulatory body nor an enforcement body -- they are a clubhouse for the governments of countries -- and a place where countries can try to work together.

    But the UN itself doesn't control anything, except it's own paperwork.

  5. The UN is considered the world government and it is the reason why it was allowed to control 70 percent of the world.

  6. Nervous.  The UN is a ridiculous organization that causes more problems than it solves.

  7. Sucks.

  8. It was bound to happen

  9. If they couldn't control a few miles of Southern Lebanon, then God help us.


  10. It stinks to high heaven.  May God have mercy on us.

  11. Your talking about "L.O.S.T"

    Loopholes also allow the UN to impose a tax on land touching that 70%.

    Taxes on california for example, and florida. And seattle.

    Taxes on all freight being shipped to and from america. All travel.

    Taxes on people, and things, leaving, and then again taxes on people & things arrving.

    Also, the AIR above that water.

    The money would be collected, and spent by unelected officals. Court systems would be created to settle disputes, and eventually, the US military would unconstitutionally be called upon to enforce a ruling by that court above a entity or country who did not pay tax.

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