
How do you feel about men who treat their partners like children by abusing them & being possessive?

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I wonder why women have to be tortured & abused like that? My former foster brother used to whip his ex-wife with a belt, & he was also abusive towards us. & it was OK for HIM to cheat, but if she cheated, he would whip her & keep her on lockdown like a punished kid. Also, a friend of mine dealt with the same situation with this guy. & I mentioned about how I don't like men abusing women, & the former foster brother got in my face & was about to beat me up again!

1 time, I was on Times Square/42nd St. in NYC, & I saw a man who beat up his partner, & he grabbed her by the ear & busted her mouth. All bloody. & she was crying. He was like, "Do you understand me!!???" Like she was a kid.

My friend's ex that used to abuse her. He took her to lunch one time, & he asked her for a kiss. She gave him a closed mouth kiss. He punched her in the stomach because it wasn't a tongue kiss. He punched her SO hard that she threw up, her mouth & nose was bleeding. Why do men do this to women?




  1. I am somewhat disturbed by the idea that this kind of thing is what you would do to a kid.  do parents normally bust their kids in the mouth so they are all bloody?  I don't think so.  Nor do they go around punching their kids in the stomach to make them throw up.  You seem to know some extremely unpleasant people, but decent parents do not treat their children like that, and decent husbands do not treat their wives like that.

  2. i think he's perverted. those people are usually perverted and the partners who let them do that are also insane.

  3. Men that treat woman with abuse have a LOW SELF ESTEEM. They want to feel good about themselves so they bully and beat someone weaker than them. It makes them feel stronger. Sometimes they learn this from their own childhood situations at home.

  4. Those aren't men. They're paramecia.

  5. the above

  6. People like that are insecure, they have issues.

    They have to control their partners to feel powerful.

    Its not just men who do things like that(of coarse not all men do this) women can be abusive in relationships too.

    People that abuse their partners like this were probably abused when they were younger.

    Whats worse about these people is that they make accuses for their actions, like "She didn't do as she was told so i hit her to correct her"or blame the victim.

  7. I think that those men are idiots.  And those women are weak and getting something from playing the victim role.  If she's staying there after the first time that he hit her, then she's a d&&# idiot.

  8. I think most people are disgusted by abuse and cruelty.

  9. I am not sure why this happens.  As a man I am always fighting these types of stereotypes and I can say honestly that it takes 2 to tango.  I am not saying a woman deserves to be beaten, but she has hundreds of resources and options and if she stays with him then it is irresponsible for her to expect NONE of the blame herself.

    I have, in the past, dated women that were in previously abusive relatoipnships.  I could tell right away that they did not respect me because I was not assertive enough and in truth, because I respected them.

    The problem is deep and psychological.  It involves answers that women don't like to hear like; she is more comfortable with the abuse than without it.

    You are talking about changing the inherent infrastructure of male / female gender society.  It is going to be a long time before it goes away.

    As far as equality goes, we are in the ideological infancy of that concept in practice.  Society has existed for over 2000 yrs and women, in few places, are just now being treated as equals.

    Give it some time.

  10. Sorry. Abusers find women with low self-esteem and exploit it.

    Just a fact of life.

    C. :)

  11. Are you really asking this?  Like someone's really going to come out and say "I think its a great idea to abuse people!"

    Lets get something straight - people don't choose to be abusive in the same way that we would choose between drinking water or soda at dinner.  Its not a conscious choice, its something that happens because the mind has become warped.  Some people are really sensitive to comments people make, and those things cause them to snap.  Their emotions are uncontrollable and they get let out.  This is why abusers never stop abusing until they get professional psychological help, to set their minds right.

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