
How do you feel about nations individual sovereignty??

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Do you support a nations claim to individual sovereignty, or do you believe the only real sovereignty is in a global government? Would a global government that literally had the power of life & death over all finally put an end to war?

If a global government did take absolute power, like Adolf Hitler did by the consent of the people, would the increased understanding of todays enlightened & highly educated people finally make earth a paradise for human existence, or the ultimate holocaust?

If all could just enjoy the same music, food, intimacy, religion & all the other wonders of life would it not be peace for all? Every body would weigh the same, look the same, dress the same, earn the same, talk the same, act the same. What could be people, one empire, one leader, & all equal? No more individuality, just live for the group/herd & enjoy the bliss! Peace on earth, or the ultimate nightmare? You tell me.




  1. There is no such an entity as a "global government" so that part of your question is absurd.

    Yes, a nation has a right to their individual sovereignty and there is 1000's of years of history to support it.

    The rest of the question sounds like the lyrics to "Imagine" by John Lennon.

  2. It is the only means of true freedom for the masses.Elitism has created Globalism.

  3. We, individual citizens, are sovereign.

    Any nation where the individuals are subject to the sovereignty of the Almighty State, is a nation of slaves.

  4. I mean that's what we are doing in America in a sense.

    Say we voice our concerns to government.

    We want an educated people. By saying that, we are giving up our freedom to choose our own level of education.

    Say we want no crazy people on the road so we set a speed limit. But then we just gave up our right to drive fast.

    Say we want no drug addicts. Then we give up our right to smoke some pot .

    Say we want everyone to have social security. Then we end up taking money out of their paycheck because we think that they cannot help themselves.

    Say we want everyone to eat healthy. Then you give up your right to having an ice cream every once in a while or birthday cake.

    When people stop dying and  we cannot experience tradgedy. Everyone would act like pampered naive rich kids b/c all their choices have been made for them b/c we think they cannot make their own choices, which is ultimate nightmare in my opinion.

    These things should all be our own choices. Even if we do make awful choices. Maybe someday we'll learn how to make good ones and only then will we rise up as a nation.

  5. Nations, as representatives of different cultures, should always have some measure of sovereignty. But nations change, and the world changes. Nations are becoming more multicultural and open - whether they like it or not. Global governance is another matter. It is needed to set international laws that protect the planetary ecosystem and curb climate change. It is also needed to mediate international disputes and to equitably distribute resources. There should not be an international army however, and the world's governing body should not be controlled by any one man or nation (such as Hitler or n**i Germany). Furthermore, there is no worry of everyone looking the same, earning the same, talking the same, etc. A world government should basically just work in the same way the US or Canadian federal government works, leaving certain matters and a degree of sovereignty in the hands of the individual states within them.

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