
How do you feel about online dating ? is it promising ?

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I know of a million websites that offer this sort of dating.. raging from myspac to eharmony... but the real question is .. does the person who is looking for love find it ? does that person feel fulfilled... or is the relationship bound to disaster?

i am 17 and wonder why people cannot meet each other in person... it is much more safe and rewarding then just finding your "soulmate online"

and i jus tthinnk all the romance is killed when people meet each other

on dating sites...

what do you think ?




  1. I think alot of people are more confident because over the computer they can be anyone they want to be. Because people cant see them and there not actually in person they feel more confident.

    But uh i guess people could find love, but only for some over the net.

  2. I like the feeling of meeting someone online. If they are honest (which you won't know until later or until you do a check on him), then you get the chance to know him as a find out things about him without the nervousness or shyness or looks or anything of that stuff that can get in the way of a first date or blind date. Once you meet the individual in person, you already kind of know each other so it makes things easier.

    However, I would never pay a website to find a relationship and I don't believe you can find love on the internet. But..I've met some very nice friends online. For me, it's easier because I'm a bit home-bound due to illness so it works out well.

  3. I joined ~~###~~I n t i m a t e M i n g l e ...COM ~~###~~ and found my love there. So, to me, online dating is trustful. If you are serious about something, that would never be a disaster.

  4. I think a lot of people are nerous to try dating sites because they are worried about what other people will think.  The truth is, it is 2008, and everything is much different now than it used to be.  Dating sites are the best way to meet people.  If you want to join a great site and set up a free profile, visit this link.  It is a special link that allows you to register for free.

  5. alot of people find matchmaking sites cut to the chase. at 17, it sounds lonely and desperate.

    but if you're pushing 50 and have no prospects, its time to push dating into high gear. some, want like minded people who want a companion.

    dating just to date loses its appeal after a while.

    but i totally agree, soulmate online is kinda far-fetched.

  6. It really all depends.  I have been in a relationship with someone I met online for over a year and it looks promising. However, it was a chance interests and friends on MySpace at the time.  I was not looking for romance or even anything beyond connections to my family.  It just so happened that he lived close and thought we would get along.  Incidences like that I think can work. We actually do like similar things and enjoy one another's company. I can't say much about specific dating sites, as I have not met them.  But you have to remember that we live in a technology world today and people are actually seeing less people on a daily basis...with online school, shopping, and gaming, people spend more time alone than ever.

  7. im in a long distance relationship...and its working out and i think if you want online dating atleast ask for their number to get to no them through tha phone...GOODLUCK =]

  8. Well, I actually met my boyfriend online, but not through a dating service lol. He's my friend's cousin and though we have never met we have a really great relationship. We live about 7 hours apart (I'm in Illinois, he's in Nebraska) We plan on meeting with in the next few months. So, i think that if you meet the right person, dating online is an okay thing to do.

  9. ania most people look for their "soul-mate" online,because most feel self conscious. They might meet online, but they might end up meeting. When you meet someone online and get to know them, it builds up your confidence

  10. I think it will serve the very purpose it was established but there are also ppl who misuse it so you can't be sure.

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