
How do you feel about our governments increasing use of Blackwater???

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ok if you don't know of Blackwater you must have been living in a hole for the past 10 years. started in 1996 by Eric Prince, Blackwater has become the most powerful mercenary army in the world. with 3 major locations here in the US and who knows how many more bases of operation inside or outside of the US.

in the peek of the war in Iraq there was a 1 to 1 ratio of blackwater troops to united states forces. they were the first ones on the scene when Katrina hit New Orleans. and have down countless amounts of covert ops. they are hired guns or hired human shields.

but what does this mean for Americans? they are able to operate here in the US with out having to be jailed/tried for unjust crimes committed on home soil or abroad.

they are clearly untouchable.

is this the police state pushing out what was once a fair and just country?

please let me know what you think, and sorry about any typos.





  1. You're kidding right?  You are actually claiming that there were over 150,000 Blackwater employees in Iraq?  Sure would like to see some sort of backup for that claim.

    Edit:  All of the same cloth?  So all those contractors building new infrastructure, installing telephones and power lines, rebuilding the oil industry, feeding our soldiers, they're all just like the handful of Blackwater security contractors?

    Nice to see where your sympathies lie.

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