
How do you feel about parents who wont raise their own kids?

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I read an article on Yahoo today

People are protesting the movie “Tropic Thunder” because it promotes the use of the word “Retard” to one of the characters that is slow in the movie. There was also an issue with the newest Hulk movie because the main bad guy smoked a cigar throughout the movie and parents wanted the scenes taken out of the movie in fear that their children would start smoking CIGARS.

Is it just me or are you just as sick and tired as I am of people expecting the rest of us to raise their children FOR THEM!? Why can’t parents tell their kids they can’t go see a movie instead of trying to ruin everything for everyone else? Sorry your kid might take offense to the word r****d but IT’S A MOVIE!!!!!!!!!! I can’t take this stupid Parents TV Counsel c**p anymore I’m so sick and tired of watching TV where they can’t use the smallest cuss words or show the slightest depiction of s*x or anything related to it just give me a freaking break.

Do any of you know people like this? People that expect the country to raise their children for them? How does it make you feel when you see things like this, when you see people trying to take something off the air, or out of theaters just because of their own personal beliefs. I’m sorry, but Hitler is dead and there is no need for n**i rule on movies and television. Just because YOU feel that way doesn’t mean everyone else in the country has to suffer. What do you think?




  1. i agree with what your saying. there was this video game that came out not too long ago. its called jericho. after only a few days after its release date, it was pulled off the the shelves b/c it was "too violent" well, if it was too violent, why did the parents let their child buy it in the first place? everything is kid friendly these days. tv shows, movies, video games. now dont get me wrong, i have a son and if i dont think he should be watching something, im not gonna let him watch it then complian about it to someone higher in the chain of command! im doing my job as a parent, i dont see what is so hard about it for other parents. its your job as a parent to guide and teach your child. not everyone elses.

  2. I want to make the choice myself. /

  3. I don't expect people to raise my children for me. I just don't want to have to worry about what I consider to be trash in movies and TV. SO, I don't have cable/satelite in my home, and I don't let my chilren watch things that I don't think are appropriate. We have a DVD player that will edit content in movies that i don't want them to see. And it isn't just because of my children, I don't want to see it either. If I don't like what is in a movie, I just don't see it. HOWEVER, I do hate that when I go to a movie, I have to be subject to trashy previews of movies I would never want to see, that are supposedly "approved for all audiences". I just wish Hollywood would realize, not all of us want to watch/or hear the trash they are putting out, I'll soon never see any movies, because nothing good is coming out.

  4. Your So right!  I think this started when, was it the Clinton's that told us that it takes a village to raise our children?  However so many of the kids are now being raised by the grandparents or other family members, because this generation says "They want a life!"  What they don't seem to understand that the very nature of having children means that "they have a life with their children" Unfornately, I know of too many people like this?  I think this problem is further complicated by the attitude of political correctness. Bravo to you that you walked out of the movie and to the theater owner for giving back your money.  It seems that hollywood onyl understand the power of money.  Congratulations!

  5. Those must be the high society people.

  6. I completely agree, and for that matter will someone tell Bush to stop!! He's a bad role model for my children....

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