
How do you feel about people who don't tip?

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If you go out to eat in a restaurant and the server does their job correctly with providing you good service. Why then would someone feel they don't have to tip that person? I don't understand. Everyone does know that the average rate of pay for a server is below minimum wage, right? In TN it is $2.13 per hour and has been as long as I can remember. What do you think of the "non-tippers" and if you are a "non-tipper", why? FYI, servers make the majority of their wages from tips.




  1. I tip based on service. What I look for is accuracy and timely manner of coming back to my table for refills on drinks,more bread, check up on food etc

    I tip between 15% -20%. depending on how well they did.  If they really go out of there way.  Than it's considerably more.

    Recently, I went to Seattle, and went to this restaurant at Pike Place Fish Market which is known to have bad service but considerably good food.  Well guess what?  I didn't tip a dime, because she only came to my table once!  Never came back to my table again. accept for the Bill.  I could also smell alittle alcohol on her as well.  

    That's an example of someone who doesn't deserve a tip.

    If a server doesn't do there job, and never comes to my table and leaves me stranded. Than they don't deserve a tip because they aren't working.

  2. OMG! i am server. let me tell you, we get taxed on everything we sell so we make LESS than mini um wage. also the gov. assumes ppl are tipping so they ADD 10% to tax us on, so if someone doesn't tip me i actually LOST money.

    also, my tips make up almost all my money. i worked 35 hours the last 2 weeks and my paycheck was $101.

    as far ppl not being able to afford tipping, i hate when ppl suggest that. if you don't have money to tip you don't have money to go out to eat. and i'm sorry unless you live under a rock everyone knows you should tip at least 18%-20%.

    and when ppl don't tip the servers tells other servers ad we basicly  talk about how ghetto and stupid and or rude the person was. if they were thin we make fun of them for it if the were fat we make fun of them for it. so if  you don't tip, you get made fun of.

    trust me, if you p**s off your server the whole restuaruant will know and will give you dirty looks.

    so i guess i am saying i hate when ppl don't tip. if i messed up horribly (which mostly isn't my fault if it happens. i don't cook the cook. the kitchen gets paid hourly regardles if the food sucks) or i'm rude to you, talk to the manager about it.

    and also, let me just say a server cares more about you if you are nice. if you're mean to me i'll get you food out but i won't want to help you or go out of my way.

    so that is my take. sorry i went off a little. thank you for being a not-server who understand and gets annoyed when ppl don't tip. it's ppl like you that make me like my job.

  3. If they don't tip...they must have perfect balance!

  4. I am Australian. I visited the US a few years ago. I did find this custom of tipping interesting. We do tip in Australia but only if the service is good. I always think that when in a foreign country you should observe the local customs so I tipped appropriately more than the locals in some cases according to my server. In Australia the tips are shared amongst all the staff in a restaurant including the kitchen staff as it is seen as a joint effort. We also pay our workers an award wage which is passed by the government. It is illegal not to do so. I think paying a person $2.13 per hour is slave labour.

  5. not a rule to tip

  6. selfish ppl if u able 2 go out n eat dan u should b a ble 2 tip da ppl, esp if they have good service

  7. if she does a good job she deserves a tip.even from me the tightest a55 hole of all time.

  8. hey, it's not compulsory to tip!

  9. I feel like they are cheap, but taking my order and bringing me my food is something I could easily do myself. If a server is unprofessional and acts depressed like he/she hates their job and doesn't care about my satisfaction I will under tip or no tip if they really suck, i will not have a server bring food back, because it will be spit on or worse , if my food is cold or bad I will leave without paying.

  10. i've been bartending for a long time, too long maybe... i love my job, i do it well, and yes, i too make the 2.13 an hour, but i show my attitude off at work, have great regulars who tip well.  those who don't tip are not welcomed the second trip to my bar.  i will get them what they want, that is it though, why spend time on someone who doesn't tip, f them.  tip your people well, it'll come back around, karma exists!

  11. I am a college student.  I don't have much money at all.  I am also a server, and let me tell you that the 2.13 we make per hour is honestly 0 per hour after they tax the tips.  I had a two week paycheck for 76 hours that had $1.52 on it after taxes.

    People who don't tip should not go out to eat in the first place.  If you cannot afford to tip, don't waste our time.  I don't make much money at all and I still tip 15% for crappy service.  When the service is good I tip anywhere from 20% up to 50%.

    I recently had a table full of people who acted immature, and were needy and demanding, and I gave great service.  They left no tip at all on a $78.00 bill.  I wanted to follow them to the parking lot and smash their face into the d**n windshield and cut open their retinas.  And I am a non-violent person.  Thats how servers feel about you when you don't tip.

    We remember the people who don't tip as well.

    So if you don't tip, I would strongly suggest never going back to the place again, because I have seen first hand what servers do to food for people they remember who didn't tip.

    Tip your servers people!!!

    Some of you don't realize how difficult and stressful a dinner shift really is!!!

  12. I feel it is right to tip servers when they do a good job. Shame on people who do not tip for their hard work.

  13. they shouldnt make people tip period. I know servers don't make that much money because they are suppose to make that up in tips but that's unfair to those who have already paid for an expensive meal and then have to pay extra for the service? the employers should pay for their service!  Do I tip? yes but only because I feel guilty because I know how little they make which is why I say the employers should not require them to make up their low salary in tips.


    how do I feel about non-tippers?  Maybe they don't have money and their meal was all they could afford, I hope they were nice customers certainly.

  14. Not tipping says a lot about a person's is not personal usually, unless they get really bad service.  I think they are just stingy and don't consider the service provided should be paid for.  If the tip was figured in the bill, they would pay it, but unfortunately some people are just rude and tight with their money.

  15. Tips are not obligated,it's a pleasure,but those who don't give even a cent are sometimes those who think that ONE cent is as hugh as the Wheele of Fortune.Indian proverb,'Things which are not given,are lost'.

  16. well, some people cant afford to do it, others are just greedy, some people are not educated enough to know to tip.

  17. People who don't tip shouldn't eat out or order pizza!

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