
How do you feel about plans to "talk" to Iran ?

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WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Friday that the United States still has conditions for negotiating with Iran even though the Bush administration is sending a senior diplomat to weekend talks with an Iranian nuclear envoy.

She said the shift in policy is a signal the administration is serious about diplomacy, but does not mean Washington is ready for open-ended discussions with Iran. Such talks can only occur after Tehran halts activities that could lead to development of atomic weapons




  1. 2 though serious questions remain about the intentions of the US and closely related Israel. I tend to see this as positive but cautious not to be to optimistic. One positive sign doesn't undo the many indicators signaling an American military confrontation with Iran.

  2. Americans will get mad if we do not try talking.

    But, Ahmadinejad is like any dictator. His mind is set on his opinions and he will agree to something but not follow through, making any negotiations worthless.

    I hope war is not the only option, but at least we're doing something instead of nothing.

  3. Better talk than fight,so I am with Obama,because Crazy John just wants to fight till h**l freezes over.We lose nothing by talking

  4. The problem with talking with countries like that if you's like a huge deal to them. The United States of America is talking to Iran and therefore it makes the leader of that country feel empowered. In dictatorships like that, it's all about showing your power and strength. The people of Iran of course would like to live in a country that has a voice on the world stage and talking to them gives them that voice. This approach is fine if you want for things to keep going along like they are now. The only way to get the leader of Iran out of there...have them switch to a democratic to completely isolate them. If you cut them off from the rest of the world...eventually the people within will revolt. It's just a bad situation, no matter how you approach it. And don't tell me we are already isolating Iran. There are several U.S. corporations trading with Iran.

  5. Talking to Iran? Now Bush is flip flopping in support of the Obama plan. Next thing you know Bush will start bringing the troops home from Iraq, or possibly going after bin Laden or something.

  6. this is what we should do

    ignore Iran but make clear one thing

    they use the nuke we will ******* drop so many nukes

    in their country when we done it will only remain a hole

    end the story

  7. I am very concerned that your #3 item is what is really happening here.

    Considering the fact that AMERICA has no 4th estate at this time,  the public will get whatever the administration spoon feeds the press.  The propaganda machine will crank out whatever it takes to promote the agenda of the Military Industrial Complex.  oops!

  8. I'm glad that the Bush administration is finally showing some sense.

    The nuts on the right need to get something through their heads: NORMAL people try to solve disputes by talking first. The mindset of "I'm not going to talk--I'm ready to fight" is not a sign of strength--its a symptom of serious psychiatric problems.

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