
How do you feel about politicians answering important questions with unrelated answers?

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How many homes do you own?

"I was a POW. I didn't have a house for 5 years."

Why did you vote against equal pay for women?

"I was a POW. There were no women around when I was a POW"

Why did you pick Gov. Palin?

"I was a POW. She may not know that since we only met twice before."

Why do you support continuing privatized healthcare?

"I was a POW. My friends, I didn't even have any bandaids."

What did you do last night?

"I was a POW. I didn't know if it was night or day in my prison cell."

How about them Cowboys?

"I was a POW. I didn't get to watch tv for 5 years."

What was that you called your wife?

"I was a POW. It's not fair to playfully tease a friends"

Ok, so before you accuse me of being disrespectful to a POW, recognize that I'm merely using a truthful joke to get my point across.

And, I think it's funny, and disgraceful that McCain continues to play the POW card. So, how do you feel about it?





    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

  2. Both candidates do it. I would like to hear how they stand on issues but often times they answer in circles. It is irritating.  

  3. hmmm normally I would agree ...but lets put it this way.

    If I looked you in the eye and said. "What color is your hair?"

    You might look at me funny and then tell me the color of your hair.

    If I ask again "What color is your hair." Again you would answer again..probably a bit angry I apparently wasn't listening/think you were lying.

    If I ask you again "What color is your hair?"

    Eventually your answer would degenerate to "Look..My hair is naturally this color....I don't dye my hair....drop it."

    Now...I never asked you if you dyed your hair....but anyone when asked the same question over and over (specifically when the answer is obviously all ready known and been talked about in the press) is going to give THAT kind of answer.

    Unless you really have no clue how many houses McCain has ....if thats the case I suggest you watch the news.....With the media's constant badgering I know exactly how many homes he actually lives in may are summer many are investment properties...its annoying. Stick to the facts.

  4. Your question has validity without reference to McCain.  Look at the early Primaries when asked a question about policy the answer was often "Bush messed it up". while that may have be true, it did not answer the question.  

    That's when I chose Obama over Hillary because that was her standard answer.  Point the finger!  Obama on the other hand would say what was wrong with current policy and attempt to offer an alternative.  Unfortunately the attacks became personal and he lost some of that direction.  Now that he is the designated nominee you see the old fire coming back.

  5. They change the subject to cover the truth.  John Kennedy answered questions honestly.  Barack obama does the same.  Many politicians don't want to tell the truth or can't remember what they said the last time they were asked the same question.  If you have nothing to hide, you can answer a direct question.  When you bring up your opponent's one house and pretend it's a mansion, you can't admit that you own so many you can't remember the number.  You can't say you don't believe in equal rights for women, even though you don't.  Of course, McCain won't admit he picked a woman running mate because he hoped to get the vote of former Hillary supporters.  Privatizing anything runs up the price, rather than bringing it down, so you can't call it privatizing.  Of course, he wouldn't be able to admit he'd call people nasty names.  Also if you have nothing else to recommend yourself other than being a POW years ago, what else can you say.  While we all give him credit for his sacrifice, I really don't think we owe McCain the White house to add to the rest of his houses.

  6. Probably the same way that you do !!

    Change . . Hope . . Change . . Hope . . Change . . Hope . .


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