
How do you feel about privacy laws concerning video surveillance?

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It's my strong belief that if we have video cameras all over the place, people will be much less likely to commit crime and even in doing so, will always be caught.

However, people seem to have a problem with that idea because they feel it's an invasion of privacy. Would you allow your privacy to be violated by law enforcement in order to reduce crime in your city?

I would...

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  1. Yes I agree. You have video surveillance in all stores to prevent crime yet people don't complain at all so I think we should have them everywhere.

  2. This has been tried in England for over 15 years. It hasn't helped.

    In any case, camera evidence is inconclusive in court as often as not, and it does not serve as a deterrent either.

    How many times have you seen a picture of a robber at a bank or atm? everyone knows there are cameras there, and still people do it. they just disguise themselves.

    I used to live in such areas of Baltimore as you did in Pittsburgh. And yes I have been shot at (and missed) multiple times.

    I never considered it an issue of liberty or freedom. Both I and anyone else present were free to come and go in that neighborhood as much as in any other neighborhood.

    Sure it is problematic that there are pockets of poverty and crime, probably as a result of the lack of opportunity due to self-repeating cycles of economic disparity, but that is not an issue of freedom or liberty as we understand them based on our founding documents and history.

    how do you conclude otherwise?

  3. He/She who will sacrifice liberty for security deserves neither.    Meaning, freedom is more valuable than life itself.  In fact freedom is the one cause worth dying for.  

    Edit:  As Barry has pointed out, cameras in the UK have done little to deter crime or to increase convictions after the fact.  What it has done is invade the privacy of ordinary people going about their ordinary business.  You can't even pick your nose without someone watching you. The money spent on cameras and surveillance, if spent on education, training  and extra curricular activities such as music lessons would generate more benefits to the individuals themselves and to society as a whole.   Many people who commit crimes come from families who don't have enough income to enroll their kids in music lessons or art.  Consequently they do things they shouldn't be doing.  'Idle hands are a devil's workshop', as they say.

  4. If you are in a public place, you have no privacy.  If you are in a business, the business has a right to provide for its security.

    You have a right to privacy at home, in your house or your apartment, or in a bathroom.

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