
How do you feel about prohibitng hand guns in the usa?

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i am doing a debate in my class how do you feel about this topic?




  1. That will require constitutional amendment - long, long shot.

  2. People feel passionate about gun ownership. There's nothing really wrong with owning guns if you are responsible. However, the fact is most people shot in their own home are shot with their own gun. The major risk is that a criminal will take your gun and use it on you. Law abiding people find it hard to actually shoot someone - even though most gun owners say they would have no problem doing so. When in that situation, it feels very different.

    In terms of the second amendment, the Supreme Court has generally found that the 'the people' refers to the general population (rather than 'the state'), and that the right is not restricted to guns in a militia; but they have also found that 'well-regulated' can reasonably infer some government control over what an individual can own, and whether they can carry it in public.

  3. i feel that it is a rite of our country. legal handguns are not as dangerous as illegal handguns. the second they take it away they will also need to take free speach. this is one of the very core components that make our country the best.

  4. I'm apposed to it 100%.  If they want to start a civil war in this country, that's a great way to start one.  Those of us who believe in the right to bear arms will fight for those rights.  

  5. I live in the country around a bunch of "rednecks" although i'm not one and they had plenty to say about it. I feel it will start another civil war if they try to take our right to have guns. but than again "only the dead have seen the end of war"

  6. People don't even agree about what gun control means.

  7. Horrible idea.

    Not only does the constitution that governs this country prohibit the banning of any guns, it's illogical.

    An armed citizenry keeps the government from taking over. That's the reason the people are in control and a coup or military take over has never happened, because the populous could prevent it or take the country back. It also protects people from intruders and other threats to life. Not to mention the fact if we were ever invaded by a foreign power, we would be have more then the standard military of most countries with which to defend ourselves.  

  8. guns don't kill people death kills people its a scientific fact but really i'm pro guns

  9. When guns are outlawed, only outlaws have guns!

    I am an Over The Road Professional Truck Driver.  My company prohibits me from carrying my licensed firearm.  So I am at risk 300 nights of the year from gun toting criminals who think nothing of taking my life, depriving my wife of her husband of 24 years, depriving my two daughters of their daddy.

    These same thugs, when they come to your house in the middle of the night, bust down your door, and start beating and rapiing you, are not going to honor your compliance with the gun laws in your state and wait for the police to come defend you.  Instead they will harm and/or murder you and the members of your family mercilessly, and then move on to do more evil to others.

    So, how do you feel about prohibiting hand guns in the USA?

  10. NEVER! ...they will have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands!

    Our fore fathers were definitely more intelligent than people give them credit for...this right is guaranteed to protect us from an overbearing government along with our own personal defense...

  11. I used to care about Gun Control... but seriously... if all these morons want to carry around and salivate over the power they feel while holding a gun... well, then let them keep accidentally killing themselves with them...if that's what they want...   I'm Pro Choice anyway.

  12. Since I'm probably the only person that will give you good reasons why they should be banned

    I copied and pasted one of my answers for you

    While you don't have to agree with it ,it does give you something to debate with


    I support any measure that gets the guns off the streets of America

    The problem is that gun crazies over at the NRA want to avoid telling everybody about this simple math problem

    Guns+law abiding citizens +anger = instant criminal

    In the myopic NRA model of the universe

    the law abiding citizen of America needs a gun to protect himself against the criminal who is never a friend or a family member but always "The Outsider" The Invader "The Stranger as it were

    In the real America that is simply not the case

    In the real America most people that kill each other know each other

    Husbands kill wives in fits of anger

    Family gatherings break out into gun fights and people die

    A gun in the home will significantly increase the possibility of a successful suicide happening in the home

    A gun in the home will also increase the possibility of a family member dying from an accidental discharge of that weapon

    and if the gun that a family member is using to protect themselves from the criminal is ever used in anger against that criminal, there is the very distinct possibility that that criminal will take that gun away from that family member and either use it against them or just add it to the already over abundant suppy of illegal guns on the streets of America

    If the gun crazies over at the NRA really believe that happiness is a warm gun ,then that's their First Amendment Right of Free Speech to say so

    But gun crazies you know as well as I do that if the Founding Fathers came back today and spent a month working as surgical residents in any inner city Level 1 Trauma Center either repairing or pronouncing the daily victims of this gun carnage that at the end of that month they would not go out for a couple of drinks , give each other high fives and say "Yeah Baby Now this is what we had in mind when we wrote the Second Amendment" I truly believe that they would be completely horrified over the fact that  their amendment was so badly mis-interpretted by the people and most recently by the Court,.

    17 hours ago - Edit - Delete


    Me -I've never owned a gun and despite living in working in and commuting thru some of the crappiest areas of NYC & Chicago I've never needed one


    In addition the gun crazies over at the NRA are essentially living in self fulfiling prophesy land when they basically say "That by allowing everybody and their mother to have guns we need to have guns to protect ourselves from everybody and their mothers that we allowed to have guns in the first place."


    Four more things before I get my azz buried under a deluge of thumbs downs

    1)Your Q was about hand guns >most people didn't see the distinction

    2)Most gun crazies will readily tell you that a shotgun is the preferred weapon choice for protecting your home and not a hand gun

    3)To protect yourself against  an abusive  goverment or an invading foreign country  a long gun would be the right choice and not a hand gun

    4)Sheriffs of the wild  west routinely required all visitors to their town to first check their guns in the gun box which was located in the sheriffs office before the visitors went about whatever business it was that took them into town

  13. A.  It's a violation of my constitutional rights.

    B.  In addition to illegal drugs, thugs and gang bangers will have one more thing to sell on the black market and get rich off of.

    One by one Americans are losing their freedoms in this country.  And some couldn't be happier about it.  

  14. You are bound to get an avalanche of emotional responses, and I think the question may be too harsh.

    Maybe the question should be "How do you feel about REGULATING hand guns in the USA?"

  15. Sure the legal abiding citizens will give up their handguns that are most always registered and authorized to own one. But do you really think the criminals who use handguns to break the law is going to follow a handgun law?

    They will be on a huge crime spree due to knowing the citizens in a huge mass are now undefended. When a criminal has no idea if someone is armed or not in a state/city that allows concealed weapon law, they will chicken out and not even think about robbing someone due to the fear of getting shot.

    Also, look at Washington D.C. with their gun ban: it started in the 1970s, each year crime and violence rose, and finally they are understanding a factor in rising crime and violence is due to the gun ban.

    When the law abiding citizens are left unprotected by a gun ban and are unable to protect themselves; the criminal whether their gun is loaded or not, has pretty much free reign.

    It is a choice to own a firearm; a privilege and a right, though a right that can be taken away, so that makes it a privilege.

    Use the gun responsibly. If have children teach them the dangers, keep it out of reach, and make sure it is readily available but out of harm's way in the end.

    Then again, the gun is only as effective as the owner. So if you have a trained owner, good to go. Untrained, polish up on how to use it to the best of your abilities and more.

    To take away the guns leaves the citizens open for a huge crime spree and next to nothing to do about it.

  16. Bad idea and totally unenforceable due to Supreme Court Decisions.

  17. It is a very bad idea. Doing so will only take hand guns out of the hands of people that would either use them recreationally or for self defense. The people that we need to take weapons from are criminals and drug dealers and etc. These people will always find ways to procure weapons and will feel even more free to use them if they know that the person whose house they are breaking into will not be allowed to defend themselves.

  18. I think that hand guns really don't need to be prohibited but I do feel as though there should be better gun controls such as a gun registry and harsher penalties for those who break the law using hand guns.

  19. I side with the second ammendment and the recent Supreme Court decision.

  20. I am 100% against banning guns of any kind in the USA. FBI stats prove that where ever gun bans exist in the country crime sky rockets. Also the 2nd Amendment clearly states that the government cannot ban hand guns and this opinion was just upheld by the Supreme Court.

  21. Well, if we start rewriting the 2nd Amendment to satisfy today's politics, then let's think about chewing up the 1st Amendment as well.

    For example, if we're splitting hairs by saying HANDGUNS are eliminated but rifles are okay, then we can split hairs with the 1st Amendment by saying Democrats can't speak freely in public, but Republicans can.  How does that sound?

  22. Just let them know the Supreme Court has upheld that right, period.

  23. I feel as though prohibiting hand guns first of all takes away our right to bear arms, which doesn't mean we can all have animal limbs, but seriously, it is our constitutional right to protect ourselves and our families and if that means shooting an intruder, a rapist or what have you in self defense then by all means, let it be legal.

    The left wingers forget that it's not the gun that kills, it's the person who has the gun.  And to have a gun in your possession is not against the law as long as you have done all of the requirements to have that gun.  I don't see a problem with guns as long as they are legal and used for either sport, or self defense.  We have those rights, and we shouldn't be taking them away.

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