
How do you feel about public display of affection?

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do you do show it? how do you feel when others show it around you?

your moon sign please




  1. Yes, I show it!  I'm disgusted when others show it.  Such a witch, I am.


  2. 3rd quarter rising - I think that it is a good thing. It shows you are committed to one another and can be proud of displaying it. confident and saying "I love you"

  3. I feel uncomfortable, I don't think people need to see anyone macking each other.......something that's too private for public display.

    I'm a libra

  4. Depends....definitely against anything that's too much or just simply over the top!....Get a room already! lol

    For myself,...holding hands, a soft touch to the face, arm in arm,kissing on the cheek, hugs, closed mouth kissing, winking, flirting, flowers,....I love all of it!...and it's nice to see these things between other people as well! :)

    Random romantic moments that deserve a soft touch or a spontaneous kiss is well appreciated too!   ;)

    But, if people are groping, really disgusting deep wet kissing (OMG!) etc.,...I agree there is a time and place for it...NOT in public! lol......But then again, I will have to admit a few improprieties of my own in regards to doing the 'dirty' in a public area when no one is no one was ever around to bare witness to my indecency! don't mind a bit of excitement from time to time but I do need my privacy- I do not like the idea of being watched during very intimate moments- I don't like sharing! ;)

    moon in Scorpio

  5. Gemini.

    I, personally, like it when there's a time or place but not constantly but I hate seeing it in public people practically having s*x. I think sneaking a quick kiss is cuter.

  6. yea, in fact, i need to control myself sometimes. as for others, i dont mind watching them as long its light. i guess it depends on what exactly is the object of affection, that you're touching/ holding. LOL.

    aries moon.

  7. it depends how far it goes. personally i don;t care about anyone else win i'm with someone that i love and if i just want to make out with them i probably will but like try not to make others feel uncomfortablr


  8. I have no problem with it..I am guilty of it myself

  9. There should be more of it. Too many people have lost the hope of it because they don't see it.

    I show it any chance I get.

    I am relieved that others can show it.


  10. ehh im iffy about it, dont like it too much but it depends how "affectionate" it is.


  11. I'm kinda in the middle on this one... I don't like when people are making out and groping in public!  However, I think hand-holding and sweet little kisses are more than acceptable when in public.

    Moon in Virgo (cancer sun)

  12. Yes I like it, not the tongue down eachothers mouth kind, but the hugging and holding hands is fine. Just a simply cuddle..

  13. Yes I like it. I like holding hands,hugging, kissing and cuddling. It has to be with the right person.

  14. i dont mind it....


  15. I think anyone who holds hands or exchanges a brief hug and/or kiss should be left alone, g*y, straight, whatever. By that same token, NO-ONE should be out in public, slobbering all over each other and basically having public s*x with their clothes on! I find that inappropriate and unappealing.

    Sorry, but I don't know what my Moon Sign is. I was born a Sagittarius, if that helps.

  16. I don't mind hugging or holding hands.  But I don't like people who just get it on in public.  I think that's trashy and it makes everyone else around them uncomfortable.  They have no class.  As for me, I get it on in private!

  17. No s*x in public but a kiss and hugging and holding hands  is fine.

  18. I'm Sagittarius.

    I'm not a big fan of public display of affection.  Holding hands would be the limit for me. :)


  19. Hi Devo!

    I love to feel loved. Actions speak louder than words. Therefore, I'm all about it. I'm a Romantic, I guess. I think that it is disrespectful if a couple is all over each other. I feel like "get a room". However, I don't see anything wrong with kissing one another, holding hands, or showing one's affection. I love to look at an older couple and Sigh. You know what I mean the look they have and affection. Lip service is cheap and I prefer to be open w/ how I feel w/ my affection. Great question!!

    Moon Sign: Libra

  20. As long as it isn't "sloppy" and "slobbery"...

    Holding hands and a quick kiss is fine. But, I hate it when people tongue each other in public or play grab-a*s or worse.... But, then again, I live in japan. We are fairly conservative about such things.


  21. Good question.

    I do not like anything overboard, but a display anywhere is good. Usually eyes can caress enough, to disinclude physical touch.

  22. I display public affection  . it doesn't bother me

  23. don't mind. don't much do it though--

    moon in aquarius......

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