
How do you feel about .......?

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  1. Tell it like it is corrupt commies is what make up the union leaders

    Where are your union leaders when Illegal Aliens are taking your jobs and driving down the standard of living to third world levels

  2. It protects the lazy, the unqualified etc......, makes the worker pay to work and it appears that most of them are connected to ......less than honest groups. In my opinion they are mostly responsible the the decline in American productivity.  Have any union leaders ever held a regular jobs?

    A good qualified worker will not need the "help" of a union.

    What good have the unions done lately?

  3. Unions are important.  It is not in the best interest for a union to destroy the only opportunity for employment and the well run businesses that treat the workers well.  They are there to protect the workers.  However, many businesses are run badly, just like many unions are run badly.  It happenes.

  4. Most union officials are self serving parasites who are only interested in the workers when they want their dues ,calling strikes to justify their existance or trying to run the country instead of the elected government.

  5. I am against unions in the United States.  They unfairly push up labor costs.  Employers should be the ones to decide how much they are willing to pay workers.

  6. Without collective representation many workers would be working for food stamps.  Most of the conditions of employment have evolved out of unionised activity over many years.. Without a doubt we would have no paid holidays, no sick leave, and absolutely no chance of having any semblance of a secure working future.

  7. The fact that you have a 40 hour work week instead of a 60-80 hour work week, is all due to unions.

    The fact that employers must provide safe working conditions for workers is all due to unions.

    The fact that if you are sick or injured or become pregnant, your employee can not fire you is due to unions.

    The fact that most employers offer some sort of health care plan is due to unions.

    The fact that your boss can not tell you how to vote is due to unions.

    The fact that you can not be fired due to your religious beliefs is due to unions.

    Yeah, unions are real bad news. But they were and are to this day, necessary, because without them, employers would take away some of your most basic human rights.

  8. against them entirely, they drive up the labor costs,  which drives up the cost to the consumer.

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