
How do you feel about requiring all citizens to vote or face legal consequences?

by  |  earlier

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Voting should be a responsibility, not just a right. If all were required to vote, political strategy would take some radical turns. Penalties should be minor misdeameanors until a person is classified as thrice apathetic at which time he is required to serve time as a military representative, or in the case of peacetime, as a contraindicator of the current socio-economic climate. Perhaps, if all were required to vote, then we wouldn 't have politicians buying elections or electors.




  1. I also disagree.  Forcing people to vote or face a penalty would just increase the amount of voters who don't care or know anything about the issues.  I believe this would actually tarnish the electoral process as more emphasis would be put on propaganda rather than the candidates' records.  I think that would make it easier for politicians to buy elections or electors.

  2. Voting is a personal choice- i personally feel we should educate people more about voting-i myself dont vote because i know nothing about where the candidates stand on issues that are important to me-granted i could spend time looking up that information but i would rather they work to see that i get that info and earn my vote-don't worry i have a don't vote don't b*tch mentality so you won't hear me complain about who gets picked...but this is the land of the free-so no forcefull voting.

  3. I disagree.

    Most people don't vote out of apathy, it's true...but WITHHOLDING a vote for an ideological reason can be valid as well.  I like living in a place where freedom takes precedence.

  4. Vote or die/fine/jail? Interesting, but isn't that exactly what democracy is supposed to prevent?

    I do personally wish that the people who don't vote would shut the eff up. You have no right to complain about how bad Bush is if you didn't vote in the last election. Maybe we can push people for that... Wait there is that whole "free speach" thing.

  5. They do this in Singapore already and I think its a load of c**p.  Being a democracy, voting should be voluntary not obligatory.  Once we force people to vote, this ceases to be a democracy and we cease to be free.  Besides, some years, the candidates are so bad that not voting is a political statement in and of itself.

  6. I disagree about the legal consequences, but agree on the principle.  I'd be in favor of a positive-rewards system, in which voters got entered in a lottery, or given a tax break, or something of the sort.  The issue of funding comes in there, but punishing people for not voting runs contrary to the basic philosophical principles of our country and Constitution.  I'll never be comfortable with that.

    "If all were required to vote, then we wouldn't have politicians buying elections or electors"

    I would argue that politicians would have a bigger market, since everyone would be legally mandated to vote, but for obvious reasons could not be legally mandated to vote in an informed fashion.  If you don't care, might as well cast your vote for the politician that offers you an incentive, since you have to anyways.

  7. Bad idea.

    That action would be counter to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

    I have not voted becuase there's never been anyone worth voting for.

    No matter who gets into office, the political machine swallows them up and whatever integrity they MAY have had initially is quickly compromised.

    The whole political structure needs to be overhauled.

    And, people who aren't millionaires should stand a chance at actually getting into office.

    Most presidencies and other political positions are nothing more than people who have bought or wheeled and dealed their way into power.

    The whole political system is corrupted.

    When I go vote, I don't want to have to choose between a group of "evils" and go with the lesser one. I want to be able to vote for someone because they will actually do great things for the country.

    However, that option has not been available, so I don't bother voting.

  8. Being a good citizen cannot be forced on a person.  they have to willingly decide to fulfill their responsibilities.  Often, dictators try to give the impression of popular support by doing what you propose.  It never works.

  9. I feel the same way about requiring all people to vote as I do about requiring all people to have health or life insurance.

  10. It's a free country. Of course people shouldn't be forced to vote. That defeats the purpose of a free society.

  11. i would vote for my dog then

  12. So, you'd force people to vote?

    And you think the results would be meaningful?

    You'd have people going into the booth, pulling whatever lever they saw first and leave.

    Is that your idea of a Democracy or a free society?

    It's not mine.

  13. I disagree.  Forcing everybody to vote is bad.  You would have many people who would just hop in the booth with no idea who's running, so they would just pick one and leave.  They would not be making an educated decision because a lot of people don't pay attention to politics, they just go with the flow.

  14. I'm sorry but I disagree. If it were required how many people do you think would honestly change and start paying attention to the debates and what the candidates stand for? You would just get a bunch of people going in and voting for what name they like better or some other stupid reason and that is not in the best interest of our country! It should remain a right and not a responsibility. Let the people who actually care make a difference and let the others just sit back and deal with it.

  15. #1 By registering to vote, I give up all of personal information to debt collectors, military recruiters, etc, etc. .  

    #2  Does it really matter? The richest candidate will always win.

  16. I agree, the same way we are required to file taxes we should be required to vote only then would everyone be accountable and entitled to complain about the system. There is nothing more irritating that people who moan and groan about the government yet when you ask them if they voted they say..."no, what difference would it make" WAKE-UP people it makes a difference. now get out there and VOTE!!!!!

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