
How do you feel about s*x or violence being graphically presented in books?

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And do you think these should be limited in books for young people (teens mainly)?

I personally don't have a problem with either, you can find a lot of books for children and young people with violence presented very casually within them. s*x is usually the one that gets people up in arms.

What do you think?




  1. It would be a type of censorship, so within reason it doesn`t bother me.

  2. I think that s*x is something people want their children to avoid until they reach adulthood, therefore any mention of it in children's material leads to complaints.  Violence, on the other hand, is a topic of discussion on CNN; it's unavoidable. The parents themselves are more comfortable discussing it.

    As for limitations, I think that certain types of things should be limited in children's literature. Since you don't have a problem with violence or s*x in children's lit., I'm assuming that you have never picked up some of the graphic novels, etc. that are much more widely read than most children's novels. (Manga's are probably the worst offenders, Marvel comics are usually quite tame.) Everything from extreme torture to violent rape is depicted both through the written word, and through graphic imagery. Granted, many of these have a "mature content" warning on the cover, but parents are too clueless to actually pick the book up and look at what's in it. s*x and violence aren't inherently a bad thing in literature or graphic novels, but there are some books widely read by young people that step over a line.  Would you want your teenage son looking at graphic depictions of violent rape followed by murder? Moral of the story: check up on what your kids are reading, looking at, and playing; it's your job as a parent. Cheers!  

  3. I think it portrays life as it is when it contains s*x and violence.  

  4. Im 25 and don't have children. But I know that in our society if they want to know about something they will. If they want to see something they will find a way. It doesn't really matter if we allow it or not. I'd rather have my child read books about it than just see it on tv..just for the fact that at least they are reading a book. I think really young children should be guarded a bit by this kind of media, wether it be books or tv. But like I said...they will find a way if they are curious no matter what. And it won't do them harm either.  

  5. It all depends on the age level for me. I have no problem reading books with a lot of said content, but it would be kinda weird to see my sister (11) reading anything like that

  6. Not fussed, it's the readers decision to read it or not it's not like it's shoved in their faces.  

  7. I think there are better ways to present it other than making it crude and down right sick in some stories. Many Fanfiction writers have made the mistake of over explaining it, making s*x scenes unromantic and violent. The violence parts are sometimes so over-dramatic they are comical.

    Most books that have scenes like this in however, are written by quite skilled writers that don't go over the top with it. I don't see a problem with s*x scenes in books as long as it leaves some of it up to the readers imagination instead of explaining every detail. As for violence, I tend to try not to read too much of that.

  8. Well, honestly, I think kids expose themselves to as much as they want to be exposed to, regardless of where it comes from. As a young kid I once came across a graphic romance novel that I returned without finishing. While keeping kids from overtly sexual themes is a nice thought, they'll ultimately govern how much filth they want to expose themselves to.

  9. even if you take out those scenese from books...they will see it on TV --MOVIES and even in Real there's just no escaping it. it's natural as breathing.

    I guess parents just have to be open and honest about things like that with their kids that way when they pick up a book and read something that's over-the-top --they won't be ignorant and can weigh their reactions and responses to such texts.

    Ignorance and Illiteracy are the problem...

    It's all a matter of perspective...even some Religious books have violence and s*x...


  11. I personally am not offended by the explicit sexual encounters you find in modern romance novels but I am shocked they they are predominately displayed in bookstores and on the shelves of main stream store, WITHOUT WARNINGS or rating like TV or movies would have. Many people would find them offensive and many books would certainly be rated X so only adults could view them.

    I'm 50, in my teens these books would have been behind a counter wrapped in brown paper!  I personally find it refreshing that we've moved away form the silly euphemisms of the 1970-80 bodice rippers but I strongly believe there should be ratings on the cover.

  12. I'm an avid slash fanfiction reader so it's in fact one of my hobbies.

    I think people shouldn't get all uppity about it - it's exactly the same as films - although there aren't warning systems for books like there are movies. As long as children's writers cut it out and teenage writers aren't too overt then I think it's OK.  

  13. It gets old fast.

    And yeah, I think a writer should keep his or her audience in mind while writing.

  14. If I'm reading a book and have a problem with it - I generally put the book down and stop reading it.  Graphic violence and s*x are in none of the books my children read.  They're 11 and 9.  I believe one book said "BUTT" and I knew it as soon as my daughter got to that part.  My son brought a book to me and said they were cussing just a little too much in it.  They know what's right and wrong because we taught them that early on.

    I feel you have to protect your kids for however long as you can.  They know its out there - they just don't need to have it IN THEIR FACE, right now.

  15. I think that any s*x or violence in books will always pale in comparison to the s*x and violence they see on TV and in movies, but at least they're reading, so I support it.

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