
How do you feel about socialist programs or policies today?

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How do you feel about socialist programs or policies today?




  1. They are generally hypocitical and no better than the capitalist corporation alternative.  I find that right-wing governments often tend rob and kill  in other countries.  Leftist and socialist governments tend to go after people to rob and kill from within.

    Nothing is free.  Charity begins in the home, not with the government.  Governments do not really give anything for nothing.  If the government gives people so-called free anything, it may be planning to rob them or take form them in a different way.  For example, if the government gives out "free" drugs and vacinations, as well as medical care, some of the pharmaceutics and diagnostic and treatment procedures will be more harmful than good.  The giant pharmaceutics companies would not be doing nearly as well financially if it were not for socialized countries with governments drug plans.  Many people cannot afford the medications, but governments always have money, especially to do damge, even the socialist ones.  Furthermore, the government has everyone's number, regardless of what type of government, left or right, it is.

    Socialized government programs offer subsidized day care.  However, day care workers often are robbed of having children themselves by parents who put their children into day care.  They become part of a group or assoication, or they come into someone's home in order to rob.  "Stonecutters" from the government bureaucracies preside over the chiselling and over the theft.  Education also is socialized.  Government offices set out the curriculum.  Many of the programs range from stupid to useless.  Dissatisfaction with the education system appears to be at an all time high, and home schooling is an option that is becoming widespread as a consequence.

    The reason that socialized programs often do more damage than good is that too many of the politicians and bureaucrats are "stonecutters", as is the case with capitalists like George W. Bush.  They all play the same game while working together do do damage and pretending to be at odds.

  2. Stealing from one to give to another?  It sucks.

  3. There are some places where they work, some places where they don't.  Socialist policies tend to be very expensive, so people in socialist nations voluntarily (more or less -- they could always move somewhere else) give up some of their income through taxes to receive the benefits of living in a socialist country.  

    The UK is a great example of a democratized socialist country.  France also has many socialist programs that are arguably successful.  They have free healthcare and a host of other benefits but the cost of living there tends to be a little higher.  Give a little, get a little.

  4. I think that a certain amount of socializing and nationalizing of programs is the only way to form a stable society. However, we have seen that attempting to socialize all aspects has not worked; but neither has total reliance on the free market. The answer is to strike a balance. Certain things are simply too important to leave in the hands of the market, they have to assured for everyone, otherwise they will always be denied some. Education, healthcare and services like public works, law enforcement and emergency services. However, the socialized provision of these services does not totally rule out the competition in the market that we know benefits them. Study the healthcare systems of Germany or Switzerland. Everyone is covered, but still many companies compete for the best product, etc. To let healthcare, especially, be governed by profits is simply a violation of human rights.

       This doesn't mean the removal of everything from the market; consumer products benefit from competition and can certainly stay there. The right balance between market-driven and centrally planned services and sectors will be the best answer.

  5. A cold, vast wasteland of mud.

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