
How do you feel about suspending students for minor infractions who have learning disabilities and a 504/IEP?

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Do you think that students in sp ed should be punished in other ways for minor problems?

I feel that suspension should be used for behaviors that are serve like fighting, drug use or selling, bringing weapons to school, etc. I do not feel that a child with a cell phone in their backpack or purse should be suspended. I think a less serious responce is more acceptable, like Saturday dention after a warning is given.

What are your feelings on this?




  1. Depends on the individual.  Some kids are capable of understanding and some are not.  They are going to have to get used to rules because that is how the real world works.

  2. I agree that suspension should be a last resort for MAJOR infractions.  Suspending them only gives them a free pass to skip school.  Granted they may get 0's on assignment; but chances are if they are acting out they don't care about the grades either. As far as cell phones, I don't think they should be suspended because of having one.  If the student uses it during class or other restricted times, I believe it should be taken away and not returned except to the parent at the end of the week.  If it continues, hold it until the end of the year. The problem with most discipline now a days is that the parent(s) do not care themselves. You cannot expect children to take pride in their behavior if the parents do not have any to instill in their children.

    For children with learning disabilities, punishment should be appropriate for their mental level or disability.  I have found that when a Special needs child is acting out, there is some other reason.  ie other students making fun of them. So the child acts up to not appear "dumb". Some children are so easily persuaded by others, they will do just about anything to have someone call them a friend.

  3. if a child has a 504 plan or IEP, a behavior plan should be included to outline what kinds of disciplinary action will be implemented. even a kid without an iep shouldn't be suspended for having a cell phone.  If they are against the rules, they should be taken away until the end of the day. or something along those lines. yes, i agree - serious consequences should be put in place for serious offenses.

  4. I believe tha a suspension is way out of hand. The major reasons they do not want cell phones in school is because of the distractions they cause. I think suspending a child for a cell phone is not only hendering their education, but also teaching them that harsh punishments rae necessary to accomplish something.

    I think a lot of schools may have taken punishment too far.

    If this is a problem in your area you should take it to the local school board.

  5. I know some kids on 504, and I don't think there is anything wrong with them, besides laziness.  I think most special ed students can reason and they understand in most cases, they shouldn't be treated differently.

  6. yeah i agree with you its ridiculous im a student and in my school students get suspended for small things like being on the phone, listening to music, having tardies

    i think that they should just give them detention like you said

    for major things they should suspened them not for small lil things

  7. I work in special education (K-5) and I guess the student should be held responsible if they are able to know right from wrong; have fair judgment and insight  to know what they did was wrong.  We have some students who do not understand the consequences of their actions let alone what the suspension would be for.  If the student is able to make the conscious decision to cause the infraction, then they should be held responsible.  If not, then a lesser consequence should be put into place, and definitely get the parents involved for good carry over etc...

  8. yeah i wish you were my teacher in high school i agree with you 100%.some punishments are way to harsh

  9. i think the punishment should really be looked at differently a cell phone in a bag could have been forgotten by the student! i also think children with learning disabilities should be able to go out for say cheerleading or sports 2 in our school they have to have good grades! i think that sucks its not fair!

  10. I say it depends on the severity. Just because a child has a learning disability doesn't mean they don't understand the rules and shouldn't be held accountable just the same. However, if it were a child who wasn't mentally capable of understanding, their should be a different set of rules. Just because a child is labeled learning disabled, doesn't mean we should cater to them and let them get away with anything. I am going to say that if a learning disabled child can have a cell phone, they can be held accountable for it.

  11. I agree. I am always alarmed when I see Sp. Ed. kids being punished for behavior that would be an infraction of a "normal" child's behavior. Special Ed. kids are in special classes because they do not behave like normal children. It's like punishing a child because they have blue eyes. There seems to be some ridiculous rules out there that are punishing children who are innocent children. They may be 10 years old in real life, but have a two year old mind. There needs to be more watchdog laws when it comes to the unreasonable rules set within the special ed classroom.

  12. I would request in writing that the school takes another look at the policy, and remove the infractions from the childs permanent record because you would not hesitate in contacting the district requesting a due process hearing with the aid of your lawyer.

    I would then request a meeting with the Behaivior Specialist for your district and set forth both a stragic plan for behaivor both preventing and disipline with set guidelines and special assistive support to your child. Usually behaivior modifications help these beautiful children from acting out.

    I would then request an admendment to the IEP including these provisions and special considerations. Be mindful of the negative language used in the IEP out of respect for the person the IEP is trying to help. Ask them to word things more positive.

    If you are going to go this route you have to be responsible in the home environment as well with a set plan including the same expectations. This will only help your child with needs if both play a part. You are not doing him any favors if you just think he requires extra help at school. I am not saying you are a bad mom, parents of special needs children are held to a different standard as they are always being looked at and picked apart even by strangers.


    "Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed." - Booker T. Washington (1856-1915)

  13. If it is determined by the administrator/IEP team that the behavior is not related to the student's disability, then regular ed policy applies. So if their behavior is not due to their disability, then they get the same punishment as all other students.

  14. If the other kids have the same punishment, they should be suspended, too.  Suspension makes the parents get involved.  Without parental attention to the problem, the problem will continue in most cases.  

    The child received a warning when the rules were given to them.  It's time not to baby kids with disabilities.  Do you know that most serving prison time were labeled as having a learning disability in school?  If you don't learn that rules have "teeth" in school, the court system will take care of you.  If not then, employers are another group of people who must complete raising kids by providing real punishment.

    Hold the kids accountable for their actions now.  Don't allow them to have a way out for following the rules.

    Edit:  Since when do parents feel the right to question each and every little thing that the school does?  Can a parent not teach a child to follow the rules without an adult stepping into speak their mind?  Rules are not made for you convenience or to fulfill a parent's desires.  It's school.  Make it positve so your child can learn and focus on school...without a cell phone.  If there weren't strict rules, every child would forget!

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