
How do you feel about the Freedom Tower that is in the process of being built in New York City?

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Right now, as I type, workers are building the Freedom Tower.It is said to show the rest of the world that EVEN after the WTC bombings, that we Americans can still stand tall with pride after what had happened.And I think that it's great and all that they want us to show our pride and everything,but by building another set of towers??? Maybe NOT the best idea in my opinion. Even the people of New York City were against it,protesting and all,trying to get the government to put a stop to point is: Why build another set of towers? and in the same area as where the beautiful twin towers stood? Why can't they just leave the area be....let it rest in peace with all the other souls that were lost on that horrific day? I think it's disrespectful to the people who lost their lives on that day...

Ive done my research and it said that the Freedom Tower is to be completed in 2012. It looks beautiful and everything but still....

Some people that I know think that there might be a possibility that there will be another 9/11.

I think so too....and it's sad to say.

But if the terrorists attacked us once, there's a possibility it might happen again...

What are your opinions to all of this?

*(Note:dont come jumpin' at me with all of this talk about blah blah blah,i just want your OPINION...not what you think of my thoughts... thank you)*




  1. I think that it's a great idea. It isn't being done to disrespect the lost souls, it's purpose is to be a memorial to them. I didn't think it was going to be more than one tower though.

  2. Because it's not about showing the terrorists we are still strong and proud; it's about $. That property is way too expensive just to leave bare.

  3. It's funny that people think America wants to "stand tall with pride" with a building.

    If Americans want to prove to the world that we are a proud people, maybe we should stop acting like self absorbed, wasteful, overweight, stupid consumers.

    Our actions define who we are, not architectural structures.

    We were fools to think no one would bring a war here. Maybe next time, we'll be a little more prepared and have less excuses.  

  4. I agree with you, it's a waste of space and is only a "lets feel good about ourselves"deal, with only the overpriced builders getting the benefit. I will never go there because I don't like the area for visits, so it will never mean anything to me.We got hit. We retaliated and showed the terrorists that we are not feckless,so use the money for the military, not more targets.

  5. i think that its a good thing and a bad thing. the good is that they are trying to send a massage to the world that america may have its up and downs, but in the end, no matter how bad the down fall we could get back up. the bad thing is that it is disrespectful to the people who were killed there. it would be better if they find another place to put the the towers like a few blocks from ground zero. though one of the negatives could be put into a positive, by having all the names of people be put on the wall of the floor that the first plane hit.

  6. I don't see anything wrong with it. BTW--there are lots of other areas in The USA that terrorists can attack.

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