
How do you feel about the U.S? How about being American?

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what is your perspective, feelings, experience and values?




  1. I'm thankful and appreciative to have been born in the U.S.A.  Look at the alternatives.

  2. Like my family, I love it, but there is always room for improvement.  

  3. Every morning I wake up and Thank God and the fallen/ still serving U.S. soldiers that I have the awesome privelage of being a citizen of this great nation.

    The United States of America truly is the greatest nation in the world.

  4. Contrary to what the Democrats claim.....the US is the greatest nation on Earth......why else does so many people risk their lives to get here?

  5. We are way too egotistical.  I hate when we say we are that best country because we are free.  It mustsuck to live in England and have to walk around chains on your ankles.  We can be dumb.  Most countries are democratic and free.  

    We are very good at convincing our citizens that we are better than everyone else simply by not educating anyone on other countries.  Ask an American who the leaders of Mexico, Canada, China, or England are and you'll get what I'm saying.  I'm always amazed when I meet people from Europe who know more about America then American's know.  Our Gov't makes shure the laypeople stay dumb.

  6. I love my country. I love my country the way I love my children. I don't always love everything they do, but I love them no matter what.

    My perspective comes from being a Christian, a Democrat, a progressive. I love America -- and what we will be, if we live up to our ideals and stop thinking that war is the answer to every question.

  7. its guud w/ rite wing cristians! and most ppl xcept fur those dam liberalz wee need to keel!

  8. Well, read the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, that's how I feel about the US and being American.

    But it's too bad we will be only a defacto country soon, a mere middle portion of the North American Union overseen by the UN.

    People like the poor guy below me never saw it coming and it will take people like him quite a while to even admit it to themselves that it's indeed true.

    Denial and willing ignorance plagues this 'country".

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