
How do you feel about the black boxes in all the planes on 9/11 being destroyed?

by  |  earlier

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Sometimes they are destroyed?

That is normal for a plane going that fast?

That seems strange ?

Whats the deal???




  1. The mystery of what happened to all of the aircraft is solved with simple science.  One of the laws of nature is matter cannot be destroyed just changed.  This is what happens whey you burn wood to turns to charcoal.  Now take a large aircraft going very fast hitting a building the metal will start to vaporize do to the force and extreme heat generated.  All metal has a temperature it will vaporize at even black boxes.

  2. I don't know much about black boxes, and I won't give my full opinion on the subject of them never being recovered after 9/11. I'll just say that the more research I do about the events surrounding that horrible day, the more confused I am. Nothing really adds up the way the government says it happened.

  3. did you know the black box is actually orange

  4. Ask yourself....If a 757 slams into a 110 story building do you think you will find a 3 foot box? Didn't think so....They did find united 93's box

  5. Not strange at all. The jets increased their speed when they slammed into the building. The buildings burned and then crumbled to the ground. Not much of anything was found, let alone the black boxes. Totally expected.

  6. its possible

  7. The 2000 degree fuel-fed fire, which softened the structural steel, would also weaken the black boxes.  Following that with a 110 story building collapsing, and the remains being pulverized is not at all hard to believe.

    People think the black boxes are indestructible- they aren't, they are just sturdy enough to protect the recording media from crash loads.

  8. Loved, just curious, but what is the nature of your "research"?

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