
How do you feel about the collapse of America?

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Do you actually believe America still exists? It has turned into a dump.




  1. I googled 'US economy' 3 yrs ago and everything I read said the US economy was going to crash and why. At that time, the economists were speculating that it would be due to the devaluation of the dollar in relation to the global markets. Since that time, other things in the US occurred:

    We started 2 wars and have borrowed 100% of the money to do so. To complicate matters even more, we privatized the war so that companies like Haliburton & Blackwater could freely rip off American tax payers without any oversight threats.

    Under Republican rule, there were no investigations into govt spending (not one). What Bush wanted, we borrowed. It's no better now that Democrats are in. For fear of looking weak on terror, they've also jumped on the train of run-away-spending.

    At what point does the govt stop printing money and start paying the money it owes? Even the so called Fair-Trade-Agreements are destined to make the rich richer with no provisions on removing tax breaks to those who ship companies overseas. Not exactly fair to the American peoples tax money.

    But when you get down to why this is happening, blame it more on the American people who aren't paying attention, don't care about politics and don't realize how important their vote is. Plus you have politicians who are more concerned with their campaign funds than voting on behalf of the American people.

  2. Collapse? Hardly. Though if we keep on the present course. I see the possibility.

  3. It sure doesn't look like a dump on my street.  Aren't you a little tired of such masturbatory nonsense?

  4. He is just early because Moe, Larry and Curly liked Joe better than him.  Shemp was the red headed step child of the three stooges.

  5. the collapse of America.  first i don't believe that America has collapsed. i do agree that we have issues to solve and that our Congress is failing us, once again.

    we are in an energy cirsis right now and it is solveable IF Congress would act.  i have spent the last few days watching the debacle in the Senate on their debate of this issue.

    America has a lot of years left but we are in danger of having our America changed into a more 'globalist' and a more 'open society' if Obama and Geroge Soros win this election.  Soros' failed to buy the presidency in 2004 and he is attempting to do the same thing in this election.  if he does, them you can expect us to move towards a EU type of governemnt and become a North American Union as many are purposing this now and working towards it.

    as yet, we have not collapsed, just facing issues. IMO

  6. america may not be what you want it to be or even what it used to be but if you look back in history there was never a time when life was perfect for everyone. times may be harder now for most of us but i think you need to get out of your hole and do a little traveling. life is pretty d**n good compared to many many other countries. count your blessings and stop being such a pessimist

  7. The collapse of America will happen but not in the life time of me, my children, my children's children nor their grandchildren.  America is here and stronger than ever and it's going to stay that way for a very long time to come.  Only an idiot thinks otherwise.

  8. let me tell you something if you are not an American,you better hope we do not collapse,because the only thing standing between you and all kinds of hurt,is the American military machine,a military you liberals of the world,and democrats/liberals in the  U.S. hate so much,why do i say you,because unlike you we Americans still own personal weapons,and are capable of fighting any threat,as civilians,you as a citizen of the liberal world own no weapons,but the bad of the world do,GOOD LUCK!

  9. Cave dweller ALERT!!!!!!!!!

  10. Strange question from a dental dropout.

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