
How do you feel about the developments in the Presidential campaigns over the last week?

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I'm talking about Obama picking Biden for his running mate; McCain picking Palin for his running mate, the Democratic National Convention, or anything else you feel is noteworthy.

The one thing that really impressed me is Obama's acceptance speech at the DNC. Specifically talking about how Washington needs to work together to solve America's problems:

•I liked his points about Disagreeing on abortion but agreeing on reducing unwanted pregnancy.

•About the realities of gun control being different for the rural hunter and the city person faced with gang violence, but agreeing that we need to keep AK-47 out of the hands of criminals.

•About American soldiers not fighting for red or blue, but fighting for the United States.

• About education being affordable if you agree to serve your community or country (I forget the exact quote).

Most importantly, I liked his overall message that he is talking about politicians working together and compromising to resolve problems - despite party lines.

Regardless your party affiliation, I think these are issues that all of us can agree upon.




  1. liked Obama's lame pick of a do nothing, double talking (that trashed Obama months ago) ego maniac VP

    Loved McCain's pick to find a washington outsider with more executive experience than both Obama and Biden.

  2. I'm happy with McCain's pick and I think Obama's speech was just the same parroted left wing lies.

    And repeat after me "The second amendment is not about hunting!" I don't care if fudds don't hunt deer and rabbits with an ak-47.

    It's my right to bear arms, regardless of how scary they look and just because gang bangers in inner cities can't behave. I shouldn't have my constitutional rights infringed upon.

  3. id rather have a root canal done by my dentist than vote for either of them comics.

  4. Agreed they are good issuses, but heres the problem with those, how is he going to do all that?  How is he going to make education effordable, enforce gun control, and everything else he said.  Remember he stats he will not raise taxes for middle class, and only upper class.  But the problem is even if you raised taxes to 60% you still will not be able to pay for any of the things he wants to do.

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