
How do you feel about the fact of deportation?

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What if your father was a illegal immigrant divorced and with kids...he is a good worker tries every thing to hold his family together and all of that but all of a sudden illegal immigration makes him go back to go back were hes original birth would you feel.....wont you try to be against deportation.....tell me how would you feel if you were a illegal alien and you get deported and u leave ur family alone in the U.S




  1. I would feel bad for not trying to become a legal immigrant the whole time I was in the US.

    Legal immigrants suffer because of illegal ones.

  2. illegal immigrants know they are breaking US immigration laws. They know they will (ha HA) be deported. Why come over here illegally, have children and run the risk of being deported? Because most of the time the judicial system allows them to  stay here illegally or gives them legal status if the child is US born.

    What the father did was illegal, he took the risk and he lost. Now he needs to suck it up and be a man and go home. Obviously the US was never his home since he never did anything about his status.

    Feel sorry for them no! As Americans we are held accountable for our actions, punished, its time illegals were held accountable for theirs.

    The racist term is currently being used to help the illegals," we're being profiled". If you don't like it, go home! You know what your doing is wrong, your only doing it because our Government won't take action and believe me we will keep pushing until we get that answer and when we do look out. Game over illegals.

  3. I am all for deportation,we need to see much more of it happening nation wide.

    I would never be an illegal as I respect the law so your how would I feel question is irrelevant.

  4. My father wouldn't be an illegal, he's not a criminal.

    Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Terrible he put his kids in that situation, isn't' it.

  5. If that was my situation I would go back with him

    I am not for law breaking of any kind.

  6. The law is the law, if you don't like then try to change it.

  7. How do you feel about the fact of prison?

    What if your father was a child molester divorced and with kids...he is a good worker tries every thing to hold his family together and all of that but all of a sudden molesting children makes him go to would you feel.....wont you try to be against prison.....tell me how would you feel if you were a child molester and you get imprisoned and u leave ur family alone in the U.S

    A criminal shouldn't do the crime if they can not do the time! Whether that time is in prison on back in their country of origin!

  8. Deportation is a terrible thing. Law enforcement should concentrate on deportation of criminals and terrorists, instead, they deport honest, hard working people that the only thing they did is come to this country and WORK and pay taxes like everybody else. They are separating families, preventing that children grow up with their father. Is pretty easy for some Americans to say that illegals deserve that for breaking the law and coming here illegally, but Americans don't know poverty, they don't know what it is to send your kid to bed hungry because there's nothing to eat, because in this country when somebody goes unemployed they get food stamps, welfare, unemployment benefits, and there are thousands of healthy and strong people that abuse that system and never work, instead stay home watching soap operas and talk shows waiting for the mailman  to come with the check while illegal immigrants work hard. I hope that the new president approve a reform to legalize all hard working and honest illegals. Remember that this country belongs to the American Natives, everybody else immigrated from one or another country. Legally or illegally it doesn't matter, people from all around the world makes this country the great country The USA is.

  9. There shouldn't be a reward for breaking the law. If someone is illegal then he shouldn't be here. Period. It's a slap in the face to all those Americans who obeyed the law and immigrated legally.  

  10. He's here illegally, he's breaking the law regardless.  People just

    can't seem to understand it is wrong.  If they love him, they would go back with him.

  11. The real question is why didn't he get his green card first? He should have done that rather than risk deportation. It's sucks for his family but he has only himself to blame.

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