
How do you feel about the fact that China has up and running food medical care and shelter after the quake?

by Guest32544  |  earlier

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So much for the fact that the U. S. still hasn't straightened out these things for the citizens of New Orleans 3 years later




  1. I just spent 3 months in China & within the next generation Beijing will be the next centre of world power, believe me.

  2. China is just playing 'make believe' that they are a civilized nation responding appropriately to a disaster. It's all for show. If the olympics weren't on the door-step the response would have been a lot more like the way Burma has responded to the hurricane.

    Remember this is a country which sends in tanks to murder unarmed protesting civilians when it suits them.

    The United States hasn't bothered with the pretence of being civilized for quite some time.

  3. The Chinese situation is somewhat different then Katrina. The Chinese government does not let little things like private property rights or environmental groups get in the way of doing what they wish to do. To compare the process is not realistic. remember Tienanmen Square in 1989? The Chinese government is not shy about imposing it's will on anyone it has to. I personally do not feel that bad for the residents of New Orleans, they did choose to live in a city which is located in an area which will flood, sometimes catastrophically.

  4. Not surprised, its a country run my atheists.

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