
How do you feel about the incandescent light bulb being replaced with Compact Fluorescent bulbs?

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I don't like Compact Fluorescent bulbs because the light they give out is not the same as a regular light bulb. I prefer the use of halogens in my home. They use more energy, but the light output is much more crisp. How about you Do you like Fluorescent bulbs or regular light bulbs?




  1. i like the fluros better they save energy and they save mercury from being pumped into the atmosphere by coal plants. they can only cause problems because they flicker but most people wont notice this. you can get a electronic balest to fix this.

    fluro lights are also available in many colours  and the more red ones look more like incandescent bulbs so maybe you should give them a go.

    in a few years i might be giving LEDs a go but currently they are too expensive and don't produce true white light.

  2. I'm reverting to oil lamps and wood burning stoves.  That way I'll be free of the whims of citified Northerners.  Off the grid and producing more CO2 than ever....good thing it's not a pollutant.

    If people REALLY wanted to save energy, they'd hang dry their clothes.  Lighting is such a small percentage of one's power usage.

  3. This may or may not be a matter of perspective, but as far as I know it may only appear like that to you because you've been used to seeing light put out from incandescent lights for so long. You may 'warm up' to the light output of fluorescents over time.

    I believe the color difference is due to the gases inside fluorescent tubes. I think incandescent lights appear much warmer in color temperature, where fluorescents appear much whiter.

    In the end I'm all for fluorescent lights - once they release mercury-free (HG) versions. I don't like the extremely high heat output of halogen bulbs and don't like the inefficiency of incandescent bulbs. Since when is a lower electricity bill a bad thing?

  4. I think it is another "feels good" "sounds good" WORTHLESS initiative from our airhead politicians.

  5. CFL bulbs use less energy to produce the same amount of light as its incandescent counterpart.  They say they last 10 times longer too.  I switched out my incandescent bulbs in my room for CFL and they're awesome imo.

  6. I love the new CFL's

    CFLs save up to 75% less energy because they operate at lower temperatures and they last up to 10 times longer than incandescent light bulbs. To me this sounds like a no brainier. I save money on my electric bill and they last a lot longer.  I know they cost more upfront, but in the life span of the bulb it is a lot cheaper to use CFL's and recycle it than use the halogen bulbs.  

    Everyone is right they do contain Mercury, but for a few dollars you can recycle them through the mail.  It is still cheaper to buy and recycle a CFL.  Than to use a halogen light bulb.

    I go to to recycle my light bulbs. It is fastest and easiest way I have found.

  7. These people who are "so concerned" about the trace of mercury in these, I don't seem to remember hearing from them about the larger flourescent tubes we've used for 60 years now.  Is there environmental concern limited to opposing things that help the environment?  Or are they that ignorant?

  8. I like the light from CFLs better in some applications.  It is whiter light.  

    I am less concerned about the mercury, since I learned that the burning of coal puts out mercury in large quantities.  The use of CFLs actually lessens the overall amount of mercury, because of less coal burned.

    LEDs are supposed to be the better longterm option.  They use less than one tenth the amount of electricty as incandescents, and as low as 2% as much.

  9. I have changed all my bulbs in my home about 4 years ago....I really do like the incandescent bulbs better...but the others do save so much energy. If I had my choice...I would choose the regular bulbs.

  10. I love cfls and have been using them for years. Only dislike I have is that they can't be dimmed. Halogen produces excellent lighting but man does it spin the meter. Produces A LOT of heat too.

  11. regular bulbs.

    the fluorescent bulbs have mercury, and will lead to more pollution, if not mercury poisoning.

    plus every single one is made in china, and takes away American jobs that make the regular bulbs.

    buy American.

    people love to work

  12. the new fangled so called "green light bulbs" are in fact much more toxic than the old style incans !

  13. I'm pro florescent. The energy savings are amazing. The light can be tinted to any color by tinting the glass since it is pure white. The mercury problem can be fixed by using some of the energy savings to pay for environmental repair. As for American jobs, other lightbulbs are made in China too, so we lose either way.

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