
How do you feel about the new US missile base to be built in Poland?

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After 18 months of negotiations, the US and Poland have inked a deal puting a US missile base in Poland. Russia is furious over it. Of course the French probably don't even know what a missile is.

This is a great day for defensive democracy. Go USA! And to USA allies in the region, your welcome once again.




  1. They aren't defensive missiles, they are offensive  missiles and they aren't aimed at Iran, they are aimed at Russia! This being the case the Russians have every right to take them out if need be!

  2. Here is an absolutely realistic possible scenario:

    1.US builds missile sites in Poland...

                   2.Russia watches waits then


                   3.targets ALL the missile sites and destroys them (AKA Israel and Iraq's Osirik nuclear reactor.)

                    4.USA is outraged and threatens sanctions and military retaliation.

                    5.Russia sits back and says "bring it on."  

                    6.US tries to call up NATO for support

                    7. NATO won't present a united front against Russia and is hesitant.

                    8.US has to go it alone in attacking Russia militarily

                    9.USA backs down.

                    10.NATO is damaged and US has a black eye.

                    11.Sanctions against Russia are put into place.

                    12 With time sanctions are eroded and removed because  Russia is a resource nation and the world needs resources.

    "GO USA"? OK,that's cool only if you want to embarass your country and destroy NATO.

  3. I can understand the theory behind the USA doing this, but with Russia acting up again I think the timing is bad. There is no way Russia will not see this move as a threat against them.

  4. With the threats the Russia is currently making towards other threats to other countries. Russia has gone back to the cold war. It currently has made threats that they missile three United States cities one is New York and others.

  5. i am from Poland and i feel this is a bad move for poland, and a good move for the states.Poland will become a potential target for terrorists because of this link. Some say its a good allegiance but no country has had a reason to attack Poland before but now with this missile base...right now i am more against than with it.

  6. You know the government is treating everyone like fools when Condy Rice says the missiles are not aimed at anyone... Says it without even flinching.

  7. Im up in arrms!

    A great day for defensive democracy?

    Sorry, ahem, matey, but there's som ting wong right there.

    I know this doesn't quite work with brutal dictatorships, but

    whatever happened to working together, and peace, and harmony,

    and William Hung, and all those other forgotten ideals?

    (apologies for the bad joke about Hung, I miss him too - almost 2 years now)

  8. i agree anything that can p**s off the ruskies is ok with me. they need to be put back in there box.

  9. Ahaha you should stop watching your propaganda tv news because "defensive democracy" sounds very funny for me!!

    This missile base is just another proof of the current american imperialism. USA just want to protect themselves.

    I'm French and I think the polsky are a******s: they want to be in EU, probably just for the money, and now they let the americans build a missile base, just as if Europe didn't exist (and most polsky are opposed to this base. I can understand the Russian reaction, even if I don't like Russia.

    And for information, because you are an ignorant moron: France has probably the most sophisticated nuclear missile in the world (M51), and has enough of them to destroy your state 30 times.

  10. In view of their behavior in Georgia, not a moment too soon.

    The French are about as useful as **** on a boar hog, when anything bad happens in the world.

  11. if the poles think we are going to protect them when sh*t hits the fan, they should take a closer look at what is happening in Georgia.

  12. Does that mean you will be happy for Cuba to reopen negotiations with Russia now.?

  13. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    "This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every statehouse, every office of the federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together."

    Dwight D. Eisenhower

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