
How do you feel about the portrayal of women in the media?

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We all know the stereotypes - the femme fatale, the supermom, the s*x symbol, the nasty corporate climber. Whatever the role, television, film and popular magazines are full of images of women and girls who are typically white, desperately thin, and made up to the hilt - even after slaying a gang of vampires or dressing down a Greek legion.

Many would agree that some strides have been made in how the media portray women in film, television and magazines, and that the last 20 years has also seen a growth in the presence and influence of women in media behind the scenes. Nevertheless, female stereotypes continue to thrive in the media we consume every day.

What are your thoughts on this?




  1. It is the media, you can't take too much notice of it. Most media might aswell me labelled as fiction, especially newspapers (more so than sci-fi movies at times). If I see something that portrays women in a certain way I will always question it. Most things in the media are disproved by simple looking around at our real lives. An angry old man who hates teenagers will probablly take information from the media leading them to believe that teenagers are to blame for most crime, which just isn't true, and if that angry old man were to look out from his closed curtains and took notice of the real world and his real environment, he will see that not everyone is a criminal, and not all criminals are teenagers.

  2. The problem is it's other women who do the portrayals.The ad agencies who show women in the way you suggest is not created by men.l know this as l did an advertising post grad.

    Countless ads show mens are stupid gits compared to their their girlfriends or wives.This is promoted by women in ad agencies

    Never underestimate the power of women to control their own destinies.

    When the government decided to outlaw the hidden practise of female circumsition,the men stopped out of fear of the law,but the practise is still prevalent due (according to the police) women carrying on the procedure with other women in defience of the law

  3. It is awful to have four daughters and witness the subliminal conditioning they experience....

    My oldest hates her red hair as she often hears or sees redheads being labeled ginger mingers on tv, in fact she is stunning and model-like - she is perfect.

    My next child is small and strong but "chubby" and outgoing, she can't understand why her body would be "wrong" when she feels right as she is - she is perfect

    My toddler and baby haven't yet shown preference as they are right now just themselves.

    There isn't a one of us who doesn't take note of what the media portrays us to be, I am a "hippy mum", a home educating caring mum, In the media my "type" are usually considered "out there" and not on the planet with ideal that don't match society - no I DON'T MATCH and am happy to not match.

    DON'T buy these magazines that perpetuate the diet myth - it is all about disempowering us by making us focus on our own imperfections which are actually simply perfect for who we are as individuals rather than having us focus as the powerful women we are on the REAL issues.

    I also hate this new media "thing" of vain men who need to rid themselves of grey and wrinkles, the lack of positive strong men in the media is shocking... super mums, super dads all exist in their daily lives the ones who put their noses to the grind and DO what is needed. The media takes notice away from these successful people/families and puts pressure on women to be all singing, all dancing, forever patient, forever energetic working, sweet, s**y, strong, emotional, focused slim as "posh" and able to be the ideal... so us who aren't the ideal feel put down and sad as we always have to strive to be even close to perceived as "good enough".

    Perfectionism is a sickness the media is portraying as normal... it isn't! anything seen as beautiful beyond the media statements of what is perfect is considered a perversion.

    What makes it worse??? Women are so busy dieting themselves into "acceptable" they forget to notice the manipulation and keep silent.


  4. It's tragic.  The media does a horrible job of accurately portraying society.  That's why it's "entertaining".  It is a hyped up version of real life.  It sets up this expectation that to be successful, you have to fit these impossible standards.  I believe this goes beyond women to include men, people of different races, homosexuals, etc.  People portrayed in the media are pigeonholed into these roles and norms that don't truly represent a reality.  It's unfortunate.  The media has a bigger affect on people than they like to admit and these portrayals are something to "strive" for.  Basically, amidst this ranting and rambling monologue, I agree with your thoughts.  Female stereotypes in the media show a sad perception of what real women are and should be.  From the desperate housewife to the S****y Lolita, it just isn't right to generalize women so harshly as the media does.

  5. its fair, men are demonized in public too

  6. Don't forget the overbearing housewife, the evil mother-in-law, and the precocious, angelic daughter. Stereotypes for both sexes abound today and show little probability of letting up.

  7. I'm used to it, but it's still annoying.  It would be nice to see actual women on tv and in movies...not some sticks that make the average woman think she's fat.

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