
How do you feel about the problems Bill & Hillary had before entering the Whitehouse and our inability to have

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why didn't the U.S. have funds to put the couple through a trial?




  1. ?

  2. How do you feel about Bushes illegal wiretapping and the inability of congerss to impeach him for a clearly illegal activity? See Richard M Nixon 1972. And As I recall There was an extensive partisan probe into the white water scandal that found discrepencies but not enough to convict because at the time, S&L's (savings and loans) were loaning money to anyone who wanted it without signatures or collateral. Sounds like the current real estate problems doesn't it. And that was on Bush's watch. I am sure the government could afford a trial but the outcome would have been that the entire system was corrupt to begin with,. Everyone one plays the game - even evangelical christians.

  3. They didn't have enough evidence to bring them to trial.  What does that tell you?

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