
How do you feel about the recent Supreme Court Decision concerning the Washington DC hand gun ban?

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How do you feel about the recent Supreme Court Decision concerning the Washington DC hand gun ban?




  1. Our founder's understood tyranny and also understood dictators come to power when the citizens are unarmed.

    I don't know what country Prince Avatar is from, but his government must not trust the citizens to bear arms.

    Sadly, Utopian Friend sounds like she is from the US and doesn't understand Constitutional principles when it comes to basic government. We the people run this country no matter what officials in government think and we the people can revolt if need be only if we are armed. Guns do not make people violent, a lack of morals, integrity and self control make people violent.

    "The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed." --Thomas Jefferson to John Cartwright, 1824

  2. The 2nd Amendment comes straight from the time a few years earlier when the original militia were the people themselves - the colonists. They took their own weapons from above their fireplace mantels and went out to confront the British. Had they not been able to do that, the colonists would have been imprisoned and the US would never have been. George Washington would have been left to dream about the Indians wars from his past.

    The Founding Fathers absolutely believed in the right of law abiding individuals to own firearms. It is the right of self defense. It is common sense.

  3. I like it. I think its about time they lift the ban in DC

  4. It's know wonder why other countries think the US is Violent & Dangerous when the behavior of some act like gangsters & vigilantes (in rhetoric & in real life) on the basis of an interpretation on the right to bear arms.  Admit it, you just like the idea of being a bad as$ & looking tough than any interest in actually protecting yourself, unless you are a gangbanger & then your life is worth squat, cause the other gun toting bad as$es are gunning for you.  Those average citizens who carry guns, do it just because they can & if no one carried a gun, with the exception of hunting rifles or shot guns soley for hunting, which I'm also against, but willing to concede a compromise, then you wouldn't need to own one, because the communities would be a lot safer.

    The US is addicted to guns, just like oil & you know how addictions turn out.....

    So grab your gun & tap it on the thumbs down key & feel like the angry gun enthusiasts I know you to be.... there now... does that make you feel better?

  5. You Americans?  If they said you could own miniature atomic bombs, you'd stock pile them in your cellars.  You're so insecure & afraid, otherwise you wouldn't need a gun to live day to day life.  Pathetic.... you and your need for guns.

  6. Thank goodness they let everyone have a gun again. If the vote went the other way we would have lost the 2nd amendment, an individual's right to keep and bear arms.

  7. I think it is sad that 4 of the justices dissented. Goes to show you that those 4 don't believe in an inalienable right to own a firearm.

  8. What they have done is to overturn the cities and states rights to regulate weapons but if you read the decision they did NOT give up the Feds right to control them.

    I would not start celebrating anything yet if you are pro-gun anywhere and anytime advocates. This court WILL be going for a National Registry because they believe in Federal Authority over individual Rights!!!

    This is just another way to take away local authority.

  9. It's about time.

  10. It has set a precedence for all cities. Handguns for all! cool.

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