
How do you feel about the relisting of wolves in three states?

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I am happy and know that there are other states that wolf hunting is not aloud.




  1. it's really good the world is trying to do something about endangered species, wolves are an important part of our ecosystem, they kill off sick and weak ungulantes (spelling) and keep their population in check, building a stronger generation of animals. But if we really want to save them, george bush has to stop allowing people to hunt them by tiring them out and them shooting them down in helicopters in alaska. wolves really aren't a threat to us... there has never been a recorded attack from a wolf on a human..ever. that is how i personally feel.

  2. I feel good that they are not totally extinct.

  3. Wolves are a beuatiful species and should be protected by law

    They also do not attack humans unless threatened

  4. I believe that everyone who loves wolves so very much, and would like to see them roaming about the lower 49 states should put their money where their mouth is.  

    I believe they should donate to funding to help reimburse ranchers who loose livestock on their ranches to wolf predation.  The checks that come from the Government are not even close to fair.  Like the rancher here in Idaho, who lost $36,000 worth of horses to wolves.  He was "reimbursed" by the Government with a $925 check.  So the wolf lovers should put up, or shut up.

    They should also realize that the re-introduction of the wolves is hurting the grizzly bears, and driving the grizzly bears into even more contact with humans, and livestock.

    People who's families have owned ranches for 120 years or more are being SERRIOUSLY impacted by a species they haven't had to deal with in decades.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years (currently in Idaho, where the wolf and grizzly problems are)

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